This repository holds the open source code for a Kiosk frontend application.
To start, you need to have yarn
installed. This can be done according to yarn installation guide. When this is done, install the dependencies needed for developing this project by running yarn install
. After this, you should be able to run yarn start
, and navigage to the dev server running on port 3000.
In case you are running your browser from a different computer than you are running yarn
from, please use the IP or hostname of the computer running yarn instead of localhost.
When hopping different branches, it might be a good idea to run rm -rf node_modules && yarn install
to have a clean set of dependencies.
When making pull requests and branches, Jenkins accompanied by SonarQube will automatically verify that the code is good enough. Jenkins also won't let you merge anything unless the CI pipeline succeeds.
Below you will find an example of our CI/CD pipeline
Start the docker image:
docker run \
--name jenkins-docker-robot-chrome \
-v $(pwd):/home/jenkins/incy-io-kiosk-frontend \
--rm \
-d \
--privileged \
Attach to it:
docker exec -it jenkins-docker-robot-chrome su - jenkins
Configure PATH and start dev server:
cd incy-io-kiosk-frontend
yarn start &>/dev/null &
Run robot
robot -d robot_reports __tests__/robot
Stop the docker image:
docker stop jenkins-docker-robot-chrome