- Integration OpenVario menu in OpenSoar 'Setup System' menu
- no more shell menu, python menu, x-menu or what ever ...
- WLAN setting in OpenVario menu
- Rotation setup only one time: Both for shell and GUI
- internal audio menu for OpenSoar sound
- lot of stabiliy tests, checks andf changes
- start with correct kernel frequency in device tree
- increase the kernel frequency to an small overclocked value: 1.008GHz: Based on the very reliable setup of the Android version (Cubier) from the internal flash memory
- This also leads to higher performance, the kernel temperature must be monitored carefully in the future (in summer)!
- Further small improvements regarding update stability!
- Bugfix: Pseudo-Freeze on high map resolution -> reduce max. resolution to ~"250km"
- Multiple Close functions:
- Quit ('Q') - closes OpenSoar to the linux shell
- Shutdown ('X') - makes a shutdown of the device
- Reboot ('R') - makes a complete reboot of the device
- Restart ('Y') - makes a short internal restart of OpenSoar inside the application
Known Issues:
- Special characters e.g. in the setup of the Wifi passphrase (or other passphrases)
- save the downloaded logger files to the USB stick
- reenabling handling with club version
- patch 2 to v3.2.21 with reverted PR362 ("relax CPU clock and voltage constraints to provide higher performance, lower power and still prevent system freeze")
- The stability of the OpenVario has obviously dropped significantly since the PR362 - there were significantly more freezes on several systems!
- same patch like v3.2.20.6 for the v3.2.20 version
- patch 1 to v3.2.21 with solved bug with debug port
- update opensoar (7.41.21)
- update xcsoar (7.41)
- (xcsoar-)bug with dead QuickMenu button solved
- (xcsoar-)bugfix with dead QuickMenu button
- saving variod and sensord-settings
- bugfix UPGRADE_TYPE 3 (upgrade old image type -> new one)
- complete saving and restore system data at upgrade
- patch 6 to v3.2.20 with reverted PR362 ("relax CPU clock and voltage constraints to provide higher performance, lower power and still prevent system freeze")
- The stability of the OpenVario has obviously dropped significantly since the PR362 - there were significantly more freezes on several systems!
- complete upgrade possible via USB stick without any additional manually interactions (like removing SD card, saving the old data, restoring the data folder, setting device feature like SSH, rortation, brightness...)
- this is the 5th patch of this release (with some solved bugs in the older ones)
- Binaries OpenSoar: https://opensoar.de/releases/v7.40.20.2
- Images OpenVario: https://opensoar.de/releases/v7.40.20.2/OV-
- Important Bugfix serial port ttyS1
- single test version only for Blaubart
- restore bootloader image after recovery start to previous system (new bootloader necessary for a 'good' starting of ov-recover.itb, old bootloader necessary for breaking upgrade and restarting old system)
- rework UPGRADE_TYPE 3 (old image type -> new one)
- ATTENTION: Debug Port is moved from ttyS0 to ttyS1 since v3.2.20.0: don't use this buggy versions! Starting point should be v3.2.20.5 (which have the Debug port back to ttyS0)!
- next overhaul of all upgrade functionality (part 4)
- bugfix creating data partition in ov-menu
- update opensoar (
- next overhaul of all upgrade functionality (part 3)
- 1st version with upgrade functionality
- update opensoar (
- update xcsoar (7.40)
- next major overhaul of all upgrade functionality (part 2)
- config.uEnv: selecting main application (OpenSoar or xcsoar)
- recover_data/upgrade.cfg: config file for the upgrade, renamed after upgrade to recover_data/_upgrade.cfg
- link OpenSoar: https://opensoar.de/releases/v7.40.20.1/
- downgrade to and from old image type (and between) not really ready there are a lot of issues in
- 1st version with upgrade functionality
- Download version removed on server!
- rename repository to 'OpenVario' and meta-layer from 'meta-ov' to 'meta-openvario' (like previous repositories)
- major overhaul of all upgrade functionality
- change sd card (mmcblk0) layout:
- 2 MB Bootsector (0 .. 2MB)
- 40 MB Partition 1 (boot) (2..42MB)
- 470 MB Partition 2 (ov-system) (42MB .. 512MB)
- ~700 MB Gap (reserved for older images to avoid the next data partition) (512 .. 1.2GB)
- 2.5GB (and more) Partition 3 (data) (start at 1.2GB up to 'end of sd card')
- change machine names to make it shorter and more unique:
old machine name | MACHINE | Short Name | |
openvario-7-CH070 | -> | ov-ch70 | CH70 |
openvario-57-lvds | -> | ov-ch57 | CH57 |
openvario-7-PQ070 | -> | ov-pq70 | PQ70 |
openvario-43-rgb | -> | ov-am43 | AM43 |
openvario-7-AM070-DS2 | -> | ov-am70s | AM70s |
openvario-7-CH070-DS2 | -> | ov-ch70s | CH70s |
openvario-57-lvds-DS2 | -> | ov-ch57s | CH57s |
- add a 2nd start option for start recovery: /home/root/ov-recovery.itb
- using TARGET 'OPENVARIO_CB2' for compiling OpenSoar
known bugs:
- downgrade to and from old image type (and between) not really ready there are a lot of issues in
- update only opensoar and xcsoar (7.39)
- update only opensoar and xcsoar (7.38)
- update only opensoar and xcsoar (7.37)
- merged PR360 (Linux Update 6.3.8, bitbake 2.0, openembedded, ..)
- autostart OpenSoar in ovshell
- OpenSoar v7.28.05 (with Becker driver inside!)
- FL and pressure height not really set (everytime ~0)
- OpenSoar v7.28.05
- 1st OV release with OpenSoar
- You can switch bitween XCSoar and OpenSoar in the shell menu
- default is OpenSoar