AwesomeBump is a free and open source program written using Qt library designed to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image. Since the image processing is done in 99% on GPU the program runs very fast and all the parameters can be changed in real time. AB was made to be a new alternative to known gimp plugin called Insane Bump or commercial tool: Crazy Bump. Since 3.0 AB supports the PBR lightning model (roughness and metallic textures were introduced).
Feel free to contact me if you find any bugs and problems: [email protected]
If you want to fix or improve something please fork my repo and send me the pull-request with changes.
AB is using tinyobjloader for loading the OBJ files:
Cube maps textures were taken from Humus page link
Project Webpage:
Download binaries from here (.zip or tar.gz files).
Steps are almost the same as for earlier versions. See the pdf for instructions.
- Video tutorial:
- In order to build AwesomeBump you will need to have qt-sdk installed:
- Download the sourcecode of AB from github and unzip it. Run Qt then open a new project using the file (located in AB source code folder.).
- Setup the build path and run path (in project build settings panel) and compile the project (remember that your graphics card has to support at least openGL 4.0). Compilation step will take some time. Run the program. In case of problems see the log.txt file.
- I hope you will like it :)
a) Open terminal
b) Add Qt 5.4 to the PATH variable (example command):
export PATH=/usr/local/Qt-5.4.1/bin:$PATH
Note that your path to the Qt 5.4 bin folder may be different. You can use following command to check where is your Qt-5.4 installation located:
locate qt | grep Qt-5
This will list you all files with name Qt-5.
c) Unzip the source code:
d) Navigate to Sources directory:
cd AwesomeBump/Sources
e) Compile program:
f) copy AwesomeBump file to bin directory.
cp AwesomeBump ../Bin/
g) Run program:
cd ../Bin
Added error Logger
Remove lightning with new AO cancellation feature added.
Rouhness and metallic textures are now supported (PBR shading in action). Additionally new tools (noise filter and color picker) to manipulate these textures are available.
Color Hue slider added.
Input image feature for most of textures are available now.
Selective blur feature (height texture only) is now available.
And other important changes...
Thanks to David for new cool models :)
Update 3.0.1: Improved seamless alhorithms, improved GUI, mouse loop added
Added support for 3D models (only OBJ format)
Simple project manager
And few less important.
Slightly redesigned GUI: Tiling/UV methods, General Settings and 3D preview sliders are now separated into different tabs.
Added short explanation about most important algorithms in AB. See ShortAbout.pdf file.
New random tiling algorithm was added. Which allow to generate infinite number of seamless textures.
New perspective mode - image can be now stretched along x and y axis, which is useful during the perspective manipulation.
Height calculator tool was added. Now the depth of the Normal texture can be controlled based on physical dimensions.
Size of the texture can be changes at run-time.
Gray Scale manipulator - now you can choose what weights are used to convert image to Gray scale.
Colour levelling tool was added. This can be used e.g. to make flat surfaces.
Now the normal image is by default attached to height texture, which means any change of height will affect the normals.
Minor changes:
- Unused button in AO tab was removed.
- Fixed problem with "cannot load image".
- Medium detail algorithm changed - it should give better results.
- Redefined the normal step slider, now it has more intuitive usage.
- You can choose your preferred GUI style.
- add many others small improvements.
log.txt file is created during each run. This file contains information about possible errors and program outputs. In case some problems (eq. GL version incompatibility) see this file.
New camera.cpp class introduced in order to improve 3D image manipulation. Right button can be used to pan 3D plane. Left to rotate camera around paned point.
Now 2D image can be dragged with mouse right button and zoomed with mouse wheel.
New perspective tool funcionality added. You can stretch each corner of 2D image in order to correct and align image. Reset transform button restore settings.
Added support for TGA files (import and export).