This project is the algorithm Soft Actor-Critic with a series of advanced features implemented by PyTorch. It can be used to train Gym, PyBullet and Unity environments with ML-Agents.
- N-step
- V-trace (IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures)
- Prioritized Experience Replay (100% Numpy sumtree)
- *Episode Experience Replay
- R2D2 (Recurrent Experience Replay In Distributed Reinforcement Learning)
- *Representation model, Q function and policy strucutres
- *Recurrent Prediction Model
- Noisy Networks for Exploration (Noisy Networks for Exploration)
- Distributed training (Distributed Prioritized Experience Replay)
- Discrete action (Soft Actor-Critic for Discrete Action Settings)
- Curiosity mechanism (Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction)
*Large-scale Distributed Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning(The distributed training module is suspended for maintenance)- ATC, BYOL
* denotes the features that we implemented.
Gym, PyBullet and Unity environments with ML-Agents.
Observation can be any combination of vectors and images, which means an agent can have multiple sensors and the resolution of each image can be different.
Action space can be both continuous and discrete.
Not supporting multi-agent environments.
All neural network models should be in a .py file (default
). All training configurations should be specified in config.yaml
Both neural network models and training configurations should be placed in the same folder under envs
All default training configurations are listed below. It can also be found in algorithm/default_config.yaml
env_name: env_name # The environment name.
env_args: null
unity_args: # Only for Unity Environments
no_graphics: true # If an env does not need pixel input, set true
build_path: # Unity executable path
win32: path_win32
linux: path_linux
port: 5005
name: "{time}" # Training name. Placeholder "{time}" will be replaced to the time that trianing begins
n_envs: 1 # N environments running in parallel
max_iter: -1 # Max iteration
max_step: -1 # Max step. Training will be terminated if max_iter or max_step encounters
max_step_each_iter: -1 # Max step in each iteration
reset_on_iteration: true # Whether forcing reset agent if an episode terminated
reset_config: null # Reset parameters sent to Unity
rep: null
policy: null
capacity: 524288
alpha: 0.9 # [0~1] convert the importance of TD error to priority. If 0, PER will reduce to vanilla replay buffer
beta: 0.4 # Importance-sampling, from initial value increasing to 1
beta_increment_per_sampling: 0.001 # Increment step
td_error_min: 0.01 # Small amount to avoid zero priority
td_error_max: 1. # Clipped abs error
nn: nn # Neural network models file
seed: null # Random seed
write_summary_per_step: 1000 # Write summaries in TensorBoard every N steps
save_model_per_step: 5000 # Save model every N steps
use_replay_buffer: true # Whether using prioritized replay buffer
use_priority: true # Whether using PER importance ratio
ensemble_q_num: 2 # Number of Qs
ensemble_q_sample: 2 # Number of min Qs
burn_in_step: 0 # Burn-in steps in R2D2
n_step: 1 # Update Q function by N-steps
seq_encoder: null # RNN | ATTN
batch_size: 256 # Batch size for training
tau: 0.005 # Coefficient of updating target network
update_target_per_step: 1 # Update target network every N steps
init_log_alpha: -2.3 # The initial log_alpha
use_auto_alpha: true # Whether using automating entropy adjustment
learning_rate: 0.0003 # Learning rate of all optimizers
gamma: 0.99 # Discount factor
v_lambda: 1.0 # Discount factor for V-trace
v_rho: 1.0 # Rho for V-trace
v_c: 1.0 # C for V-trace
clip_epsilon: 0.2 # Epsilon for q clip
discrete_dqn_like: false # Whether using policy or only Q network if discrete is in action spaces
use_n_step_is: true # Whether using importance sampling
siamese: null # ATC | BYOL
siamese_use_q: false # Whether using contrastive q
siamese_use_adaptive: false # Whether using adaptive weights
use_prediction: false # Whether training a transition model
transition_kl: 0.8 # The coefficient of KL of transition and standard normal
use_extra_data: true # Whether using extra data to train prediction model
curiosity: null # FORWARD | INVERSE
curiosity_strength: 1 # Curiosity strength if using curiosity
use_rnd: false # Whether using RND
rnd_n_sample: 10 # RND sample times
use_normalization: false # Whether using observation normalization
action_noise: null # [noise_min, noise_max]
ma_config: null
All default distributed training configurations are listed below. It can also be found in ds/default_config.yaml
env_type: UNITY # UNITY or GYM
env_name: env_name # The environment name.
env_args: null
unity_args: # Only for Unity Environments
no_graphics: true # If an env does not need pixel input, set true
build_path: # Unity executable path
win32: path_win32
linux: path_linux
port: 5005
name: "{time}" # Training name. Placeholder "{time}" will be replaced to the time that trianing begins
update_sac_bak_per_step: 200 # Every N step update sac_bak
n_envs: 1 # N environments running in parallel
max_step_each_iter: -1 # Max step in each iteration
reset_on_iteration: true # Whether forcing reset agent if an episode terminated
evolver_enabled: true
evolver_cem_length: 50 # Start CEM if all learners have eavluated evolver_cem_length times
evolver_cem_best: 0.3 # The ratio of best learners
2 # Start CEM if all learners have eavluated `evolver_cem_min_length` times,
# and it has been more than `evolver_cem_time` minutes since the last update
evolver_cem_time: 3
evolver_remove_worst: 4
max_actors_each_learner: -1 # The max number of actors of each learner, -1 indicates no limit
noise_increasing_rate: 0 # Noise = N * number of actors
noise_max: 0.1 # Max noise for actors
max_episode_length: 500
episode_queue_size: 5
episode_sender_process_num: 5
batch_queue_size: 5
batch_generator_process_num: 5
learner_host: null
learner_port: 61001
reset_config: null # Reset parameters sent to Unity
rep: null
policy: null
nn: nn # Neural network models file
seed: null # Random seed
write_summary_per_step: 1000 # Write summaries in TensorBoard every N steps
save_model_per_step: 100000 # Save model every N steps
ensemble_q_num: 2 # Number of Qs
ensemble_q_sample: 2 # Number of min Qs
burn_in_step: 0 # Burn-in steps in R2D2
n_step: 1 # Update Q function by N steps
seq_encoder: null # RNN | ATTN
batch_size: 256
tau: 0.005 # Coefficient of updating target network
update_target_per_step: 1 # Update target network every N steps
init_log_alpha: -2.3 # The initial log_alpha
use_auto_alpha: true # If using automating entropy adjustment
learning_rate: 0.0003 # Learning rate of all optimizers
gamma: 0.99 # Discount factor
v_lambda: 1.0 # Discount factor for V-trace
v_rho: 1.0 # Rho for V-trace
v_c: 1.0 # C for V-trace
clip_epsilon: 0.2 # Epsilon for q clip
discrete_dqn_like: false # If using policy or only Q network if discrete is in action spaces
siamese: null # ATC | BYOL
siamese_use_q: false # If using contrastive q
siamese_use_adaptive: false # If using adaptive weights
use_prediction: false # If train a transition model
transition_kl: 0.8 # The coefficient of KL of transition and standard normal
use_extra_data: true # If using extra data to train prediction model
curiosity: null # FORWARD | INVERSE
curiosity_strength: 1 # Curiosity strength if using curiosity
use_rnd: false # If using RND
rnd_n_sample: 10 # RND sample times
use_normalization: false # If using observation normalization
action_noise: null # [noise_min, noise_max]
# random_params:
# param_name:
# in: [n1, n2, n3]
# truncated: [n1 ,n2]
# std: n
ma_config: null
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--run] [--logger_in_file] [--render] [--env_args ENV_ARGS] [--agents AGENTS]
[--max_iter MAX_ITER] [--port PORT] [--editor] [--name NAME] [--disable_sample] [--use_env_nn]
[--device DEVICE] [--ckpt CKPT] [--nn NN] [--repeat REPEAT]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
config file
--run inference mode
--logger_in_file logging into a file
--render render
--env_args ENV_ARGS additional args for environments
--agents AGENTS number of agents
--max_iter MAX_ITER max iteration
--port PORT, -p PORT UNITY: communication port
--editor UNITY: running in Unity Editor
--name NAME, -n NAME training name
--disable_sample disable sampling when choosing actions
--use_env_nn always use in env, or use saved if existed
--device DEVICE cpu or gpu
--ckpt CKPT ckeckpoint to restore
--nn NN neural network model
--repeat REPEAT number of repeated experiments
# Train gym environment mountain_car with name "test_{time}", 10 agents and repeating training two times
python gym/mountain_car -n "test_{time}" --agents=10 --repeat=2
# Train unity environment roller with vanilla config and port 5006
python roller -c vanilla -p 5006
# Inference unity environment roller with model "nowall_202003251644192jWy"
python roller -c vanilla -n nowall_202003251644192jWy --run --agents=1
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--run] [--logger_in_file] [--learner_host LEARNER_HOST]
[--learner_port LEARNER_PORT] [--render] [--env_args ENV_ARGS] [--agents AGENTS]
[--unity_port UNITY_PORT] [--editor] [--name NAME] [--device DEVICE] [--ckpt CKPT] [--nn NN]
env {learner,l,actor,a}
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
config file
--run inference mode
--logger_in_file logging into a file
--learner_host LEARNER_HOST
learner host
--learner_port LEARNER_PORT
learner port
--render render
--env_args ENV_ARGS additional args for environments
--agents AGENTS number of agents
--unity_port UNITY_PORT, -p UNITY_PORT
UNITY: communication port
--editor UNITY: running in Unity Editor
--name NAME, -n NAME training name
--device DEVICE cpu or gpu
--ckpt CKPT ckeckpoint to restore
--nn NN neural network model
python test learner --logger_in_file
python test actor --logger_in_file