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A Firestore ODM, with built-in validation, to make life easier for Go devs.


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Firevault is a Firestore ODM for Go, providing robust data modelling and document handling.


Use go get to install Firevault.

go get


Import the package in your code.

import ""


You can connect to Firevault using the Connect method, providing a project ID. A Firevault Connection is designed to be thread-safe and used as a singleton instance.

import (


// Sets your Google Cloud Platform project ID.
projectID := "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
ctx := context.Background()

connection, err := firevault.Connect(ctx, projectID)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalln("Firevault initialisation failed:", err)

To close the connection, when it's no longer needed, you can call the Close method. It need not be called at program exit.

defer connection.Close()


Defining a model is as simple as creating a struct with Firevault tags.

type User struct {
	Name     string   `firevault:"name,required,omitempty"`
	Email    string   `firevault:"email,required,email,is_unique,omitempty"`
	Password string   `firevault:"password,required,min=6,transform=hash_pass,omitempty"`
	Address  *Address `firevault:"address,omitempty"`
	Age      int      `firevault:"age,required,min=18,omitempty"`

type Address struct {
	Line1 string `firevault:",omitempty"`
	City  string `firevault:"-"`


When defining a new struct type with Firevault tags, note that the tags' order matters (apart from the different omitempty tags, which can be used anywhere).

The first tag is always the field name which will be used in Firestore. You can skip that by just using a comma, before adding further tags.

After that, each tag is a different validation rule, and they will be parsed in order.

Other than the validation tags, Firevault supports the following built-in tags:

  • omitempty - If the field is set to it’s default value (e.g. 0 for int, or "" for string), the field will be omitted from validation and Firestore.
  • omitempty_create - Works the same way as omitempty, but only for the Create method. Ignored during Update and Validate methods.
  • omitempty_update - Works the same way as omitempty, but only for the Update method. Ignored during Create and Validate methods.
  • omitempty_validate - Works the same way as omitempty, but only for the Validate method. Ignored during Create and Update methods.
  • - - Ignores the field.


Firevault validates fields' values based on the defined rules. There are built-in validations, with support for adding custom ones.

Again, the order in which they are executed depends on the tag order.

Built-in validations:

  • required - Validates whether the field's value is not the default type value (i.e. nil for pointer, "" for string, 0 for int etc.). Fails when it is the default.
  • required_create - Works the same way as required, but only for the Create method. Ignored during Update and Validate methods.
  • required_update - Works the same way as required, but only for the Update method. Ignored during Create and Validate methods.
  • required_validate - Works the same way as required, but only for the Validate method. Ignored during Create and Update methods.
  • max - Validates whether the field's value, or length, is less than or equal to the param's value. Requires a param (e.g. max=20). For numbers, it checks the value, for strings, maps and slices, it checks the length.
  • min - Validates whether the field's value, or length, is greater than or equal to the param's value. Requires a param (e.g. min=20). For numbers, it checks the value, for strings, maps and slices, it checks the length.
  • email - Validates whether the field's string value is a valid email address.

Custom validations:

  • To define a custom validation, use Connection's RegisterValidation method.
    • Expects:
      • name: A string defining the validation name.
      • func: A function of type ValidationFn. The passed in function accepts two parameters.
        • Expects:
          • ctx: A context.
          • fs: A value that implements the FieldScope interface, which gives access to different field data, useful during the validation. Available methods for FieldScope can be found in the field_scope.go file.
        • Returns:
          • result: A bool which returns true if check has passed, and false if it hasn't.
          • error: An error in case something went wrong during the check.
      • runOnNil (optional): An optional bool indicating whether the validation should be executed on nil values. The default is false.

Registering custom validations is not thread-safe. It is intended that all rules be registered, prior to any validation. Also, if a rule with the same name already exists, the previous one will be replaced.

	func(_ context.Context, fs FieldScope) (bool, error) {
		if fs.Kind() != reflect.String {
			return false, nil

		s := fs.Value().String()
		return s == strings.toUpper(s), nil

You can then chain the tag like a normal one.

type User struct {
	Name string `firevault:"name,required,is_upper,omitempty"`


Firevault also supports rules that transform the field's value. There are built-in transformations, with support for adding custom ones. To use them, it's as simple as adding a prefix to the tag.

Again, the order in which they are executed depends on the tag order.

Built-in transformations:

  • uppercase - Converts the field's string value to upper case. If the field is not a string, it simply returns its original value and no error.
  • lowercase - Converts the field's string value to lower case. If the field is not a string, it simply returns its original value and no error.
  • trim_space - Removes all leading and trailing white space around the field's string value. If the field is not a string, it simply returns its original value and no error.

Custom transformations:

  • To define a transformation, use Connection's RegisterTransformation method.
    • Expects:
      • name: A string defining the transformation name.
      • func: A function of type TransformationFn. The passed in function accepts two parameters.
        • Expects:
          • ctx: A context.
          • fs: A value that implements the FieldScope interface, which gives access to different field data, useful during the transformation. Available methods for FieldScope can be found in the field_scope.go file.
        • Returns:
          • result: An interface{} with the new, transformed, value.
          • error: An error in case something went wrong during the transformation.
      • runOnNil (optional): An optional bool indicating whether the transformation should be executed on nil values. The default is false.

Registering custom transformations is not thread-safe. It is intended that all rules be registered, prior to any validation. Also, if a rule with the same name already exists, the previous one will be replaced.

	func(_ context.Context, fs FieldScope) (interface{}, error) {
		if fs.Kind() != reflect.String {
			return fs.Value().Interface(), errors.New(fs.StructField() + " must be a string")

		return strings.ToLower(fs.Value().String()), nil

You can then chain the tag like a normal one, but don't forget to use the transform= prefix.

Again, the tag order matters. Defining a transformation at the end, means the value will be updated after the validations, whereas a definition at the start, means the field will be updated and then validated.

type User struct {
	// transformation will take place after all validations have passed
	Email string `firevault:"email,required,email,transform=to_lower,omitempty"`
type User struct {
	// the "email" validation will be executed on the new value
	Email string `firevault:"email,required,transform=to_lower,email,omitempty"`


A Firevault CollectionRef instance allows for interacting with Firestore, through various read and write methods.

These instances are lightweight and safe to create repeatedly. They can be freely used as needed, without concern for maintaining a singleton instance, as each instance independently references the specified Firestore collection.

To create a CollectionRef instance, call the Collection function, using the struct type parameter, and passing in the Connection instance, as well as a collection path.

collection := firevault.Collection[User](connection, "users")


The CollectionRef instance has 7 built-in methods to support interaction with Firestore.

  • Create - A method which validates passed in data and adds it as a document to Firestore.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • data: A pointer of a struct with populated fields which will be added to Firestore after validation.
      • options (optional): An instance of Options with the following properties having an effect.
        • SkipValidation: A bool which when true, means all validation tags will be ingored (the name and omitempty tags will be acknowledged). Default is false.
        • ID: A string which will add a document to Firestore with the specified ID.
        • AllowEmptyFields: An optional string slice, which is used to specify which fields can ignore the omitempty and omitempty_create tags. This can be useful when a field must be set to its zero value only on certain method calls. If left empty, all fields will honour the two tags.
    • Returns:
      • id: A string with the new document's ID.
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during validation or interaction with Firestore.
user := User{
	Name: 	  "Bobby Donev",
	Email:    "[email protected]",
	Password: "12356",
	Age:      26,
	Address:  &Address{
		Line1: "1 High Street",
		City:  "London",
id, err := collection.Create(ctx, &user)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(id) // "6QVHL46WCE680ZG2Xn3X"
id, err := collection.Create(
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(id) // "custom-id"
user := User{
	Name: 	  "Bobby Donev",
	Email:    "[email protected]",
	Password: "12356",
	Age:      0,
	Address:  &Address{
		Line1: "1 High Street",
		City:  "London",
id, err := collection.Create(
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(id) // "6QVHL46WCE680ZG2Xn3X"
  • Update - A method which validates passed in data and updates all Firestore documents which match provided Query. If Query contains an ID clause and no documents are matched, new ones will be created for each provided ID. The method uses Firestore's BulkWriter under the hood, meaning the operation is not atomic.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • query: A Query instance to filter which documents to update.
      • data: A pointer of a struct with populated fields which will be used to update the documents after validation.
      • options (optional): An instance of Options with the following properties having an effect.
        • SkipValidation: A bool which when true, means all validation tags will be ingored (the name and omitempty tags will be acknowledged). Default is false.
        • MergeFields: An optional string slice, which is used to specify which fields to be overwritten. Other fields on the document will be untouched. If left empty, all the fields given in the data argument will be overwritten. If a field is specified, but is not present in the data passed, the field will be deleted from the document (using firestore.Delete).
        • AllowEmptyFields: An optional string slice, which is used to specify which fields can ignore the omitempty and omitempty_update tags. This can be useful when a field must be set to its zero value only on certain updates. If left empty, all fields will honour the two tags.
    • Returns:
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during validation or interaction with Firestore.
    • Important:
      • If neither omitempty, nor omitempty_update tags have been used, non-specified field values in the passed in data will be set to Go's default values, thus updating all document fields. To prevent that behaviour, please use one of the two tags.
      • If no documents match the provided Query, the operation will do nothing and will not return an error.
user := User{
	Password: "123567",
err := collection.Update(
if err != nil {
user := User{
	Password: "123567",
err := collection.Update(
if err != nil {
user := User{
	Address:  &Address{
		Line1: "1 Main Road",
		City:  "New York",
err := collection.Update(
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Success") // only the address.Line1 field will be updated
user := User{
	Address:  &Address{
		City:  "New York",
err := collection.Update(
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Success") // address.Line1 field will be deleted from document, since it's not present in data
  • Validate - A method which validates and transforms passed in data.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • data: A pointer of a struct with populated fields which will be validated.
      • options (optional): An instance of Options with the following properties having an effect.
        • SkipValidation: A bool which when true, means all validation tags will be ingored (the name and omitempty tags will be acknowledged). Default is false.
        • AllowEmptyFields: An optional string slice, which is used to specify which fields can ignore the omitempty and omitempty_validate tags. This can be useful when a field must be set to its zero value only on certain method calls. If left empty, all fields will honour the two tags.
    • Returns:
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during validation.
    • Important:
      • If neither omitempty, nor omitempty_validate tags have been used, non-specified field values in the passed in data will be set to Go's default values.
user := User{
	Email: "[email protected]",
err := collection.Validate(ctx, &user)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(user) // {[email protected]}
  • Delete - A method which deletes all Firestore documents which match provided Query. The method uses Firestore's BulkWriter under the hood, meaning the operation is not atomic.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • query: A Query instance to filter which documents to delete.
    • Returns:
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during interaction with Firestore.
    • If no documents match the provided Query, the method does nothing and error is nil.
err := collection.Delete(
if err != nil {
  • Find - A method which gets the Firestore documents which match the provided query.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • query: A Query to filter and order documents.
    • Returns:
      • docs: A slice containing the results of type Document[T] (where T is the type used when initiating the collection instance). Document[T] has two properties.
        • ID: A string which holds the document's ID.
        • Data: The document's data of type T.
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during interaction with Firestore.
users, err := collection.Find(
		Where("email", "==", "hello@bobbydonev").
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(users) // []Document[User]
fmt.Println(users[0].ID) // 6QVHL46WCE680ZG2Xn3X
  • FindOne - A method which gets the first Firestore document which matches the provided Query. Returns an empty Document[T] (empty ID string and zero-value T Data), and no error if no documents are found.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • query: A Query to filter and order documents.
    • Returns:
      • doc: Returns the document with type Document[T] (where T is the type used when initiating the collection instance). Document[T] has two properties.
        • ID: A string which holds the document's ID.
        • Data: The document's data of type T.
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during interaction with Firestore.
user, err := collection.FindOne(
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(user.Data) // {Bobby Donev [email protected] asdasdkjahdks 26 0xc0001d05a0}
  • Count - A method which gets the number of Firestore documents which match the provided query.
    • Expects:
      • ctx: A context.
      • query: An instance of Query to filter documents.
    • Returns:
      • count: An int64 representing the number of documents which meet the criteria.
      • error: An error in case something goes wrong during interaction with Firestore.
count, err := collection.Count(
	NewQuery().Where("email", "==", "hello@bobbydonev"),
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(count) // 1


A Firevault Query instance allows querying Firestore, by chaining various methods. The query can have multiple filters.

To create a Query instance, call the NewQuery method.

query := firevault.NewQuery()


The Query instance has 10 built-in methods to support filtering and ordering Firestore documents.

  • ID - Returns a new Query that that exclusively filters the set of results based on provided IDs.
    • Expects:
      • ids: A varying number of string values used to filter out results.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
    • Important:
      • ID takes precedence over and completely overrides any previous or subsequent calls to other Query methods, including Where. To filter by ID as well as other criteria, use the Where method with the special DocumentID field, instead of calling ID.
newQuery := query.ID("6QVHL46WCE680ZG2Xn3X")
  • Where - Returns a new Query that filters the set of results.
    • Expects:
      • path: A string which can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields.
      • operator: A string which must be one of ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, array-contains, array-contains-any, in or not-in.
      • value: An interface{} value used to filter out the results.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev")
  • OrderBy - Returns a new Query that specifies the order in which results are returned.
    • Expects:
      • path: A string which can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields. To order by document name, use the special field path DocumentID.
      • direction: A Direction used to specify whether results are returned in ascending or descending order.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").OrderBy("age", Asc)
  • Limit - Returns a new Query that specifies the maximum number of first results to return.
    • Expects:
      • num: An int which indicates the max number of results to return.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").Limit(1)
  • LimitToLast - Returns a new Query that specifies the maximum number of last results to return.
    • Expects:
      • num: An int which indicates the max number of results to return.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").LimitToLast(1)
  • Offset - Returns a new Query that specifies the number of initial results to skip.
    • Expects:
      • num: An int which indicates the number of results to skip.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").Offset(1)
  • StartAt - Returns a new Query that specifies that results should start at the document with the given field values. Should be called with one field value for each OrderBy clause, in the order that they appear.
    • Expects:
      • values: A varying number of interface{} values used to filter out results.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").OrderBy("age", Asc).StartAt(25)
  • StartAfter - Returns a new Query that specifies that results should start just after the document with the given field values. Should be called with one field value for each OrderBy clause, in the order that they appear.
    • Expects:
      • values: A varying number of interface{} values used to filter out results.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").OrderBy("age", Asc).StartAfter(25)
  • EndBefore - Returns a new Query that specifies that results should end just before the document with the given field values. Should be called with one field value for each OrderBy clause, in the order that they appear.
    • Expects:
      • values: A varying number of interface{} values used to filter out results.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").OrderBy("age", Asc).EndBefore(25)
  • EndAt - Returns a new Query that specifies that results should end at the document with the given field values. Should be called with one field value for each OrderBy clause, in the order that they appear.
    • Expects:
      • values: A varying number of interface{} values used to filter out results.
    • Returns:
      • A new Query instance.
newQuery := query.Where("name", "==", "Bobby Donev").OrderBy("age", Asc).EndAt(25)


A Firevault Options instance allows for the overriding of default options for validation, creation and updating methods, by chaining various methods.

To create a new Options instance, call the NewOptions method.

options := firevault.NewOptions()


The Options instance has 4 built-in methods to support overriding default CollectionRef method options.

  • SkipValidation - Returns a new Options instance that allows to skip the data validation during creation, updating and validation methods. The "name" tag, "omitempty" tags and "ignore" tag will still be honoured.
    • Returns:
      • A new Options instance.
newOptions := options.SkipValidation()
  • AllowEmptyFields - Returns a new Options instance that allows to specify which field paths should ignore the "omitempty" tags. This can be useful when zero values are needed only during a specific method call. If left empty, those tags will be honoured for all fields.
    • Expects:
      • path: A varying number of string values (using dot separation) used to select field paths.
    • Returns:
      • A new Options instance.
newOptions := options.AllowEmptyFields("age")
  • MergeFields - Returns a new Options instance that allows to specify which field paths to be overwritten. Other fields on the existing document will be untouched. If a provided field path does not refer to a value in the data passed, that field will be deleted from the document. Only used for updating method.
    • Expects:
      • path: A varying number of string values (using dot separation) used to select field paths.
    • Returns:
      • A new Options instance.
newOptions := options.MergeFields("address.Line1")
  • CustomID - Returns a new Options instance that allows to specify a custom document ID to be used when creating a Firestore document. Only used for creation method.
    • Expects:
      • id: A string specifying the custom ID.
    • Returns:
      • A new Options instance.
newOptions := options.CustomID("custom-id")

Custom Errors

During collection methods which require validation (i.e. Create, Update and Validate), Firevault may return an error that implements the FieldError interface, which can aid in presenting custom error messages to users. All other errors are of the usual error type, and do not satisfy the the interface. Available methods for FieldError can be found in the field_error.go file.

Firevault supports the creation of custom, user-friendly, error messages, through ErrorFormatterFn. These are run whenever a FieldError is created (i.e. whenever a validation rule fails). All registered formatters are executed on the FieldError and if all return a nil error (or there's no registered formatters), a FieldError is returned instead. Otherwise, the first custom error is returned.

Error formatters:

  • To define an error formatter, use Connection's RegisterErrorFormatter method.
    • Expects:
      • func: A function of type ErrorFormatterFn. The passed in function accepts one parameter.
        • Expects:
          • fe: An error that complies with the FieldError interface.
        • Returns:
          • error: An error with a custom message, using FieldError's field validation details.

Registering custom error formatters is not thread-safe. It is intended that all functions be registered, prior to any validation.

connection.RegisterErrorFormatter(func(fe FieldError) error {
	if err.Tag() == "min" {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s must be at least %s characters long.", fe.DisplayField(), fe.Param())

	return nil

This is how it can be used.

id, err := collection.Create(ctx, &User{
	Name: "Bobby Donev",
	Email: "[email protected]",
	Password: "12345",
	Age: 26,
	Address: &Address{
		Line1: "1 High Street",
		City:  "London",
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(err) // "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
} else {
id, err := collection.Create(ctx, &User{
	Name: "Bobby Donev",
	Email: "[email protected]", // will fail on the "email" tag
	Password: "123456",
	Age: 25,
	Address: &Address{
		Line1: "1 High Street",
		City:  "London",
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(err) // error isn't catched by formatter; complies with FieldError
} else {

You can also directly handle and parse returned FieldError, without registering an error formatter. Here is an example of parsing a returned FieldError, in cases where an error formatter doesn't catch it, or in cases where no formatters are registered.

func parseError(fe FieldError) {
	if fe.StructField() == "Password" { // or fe.Field() == "password"
		if fe.Tag() == "min" {
			fmt.Printf("Password must be at least %s characters long.", fe.Param())
		} else {
	} else {

id, err := collection.Create(ctx, &User{
	Name: "Bobby Donev",
	Email: "[email protected]",
	Password: "12345",
	Age: 26,
	Address: &Address{
		Line1: "1 High Street",
		City:  "London",
if err != nil {
	var fErr FieldError
	if errors.As(err, &fErr) {
		parseError(fErr) // "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
	} else {
} else {


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




A Firestore ODM, with built-in validation, to make life easier for Go devs.







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