issues Search Results · repo:BrandonLWhite/sevenSeg.js language:HTML
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inBrandonLWhite/sevenSeg.js (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello, Once I tried to change colorOn, colorOff options on the jQuery. It does not work but value. any ideas ? thanks in
- Opened on Jun 21, 2022
- #15
A nice feature would be to have similar styled text after the readout, for e.g. km/h, mpg etc
- Opened on Oct 23, 2016
- #12
I do not know if that is a bug or if I am doing something wrong, but the basic example with one digit worked for me.
When I tried to use multiple digits, I found, that the digits: 5 option did nothing. ...
- Opened on May 23, 2016
- #11
For some reason, IE11 (I don t know if earlier versions do it) is creating a tabstop for each sevenSeg digit svg
element. So if you use sevenSeg in conjunction with other form input, it makes tabbing between ...
- Opened on Dec 27, 2013
- #8
At present, only changing the value option is supported after widget creation. Finish out _setOption to encompass all
other options.
- Opened on Oct 29, 2013
- #7
Add more canned styles. Look around for nice looking examples. Consider adding named themes as parameters to the script
tag to set the default style theme.
- Opened on Oct 15, 2013
- #6
This feature includes rendering colons in the display, as well as support for Dates as the value (maybe... check into
Also, a demo featuring a simple clock. Consider rolling in clock count-up and ...
- Opened on Oct 15, 2013
- #5
Running the demo page while on battery has a significant impact on my battery life. While there are certainly many
factors at play here, I might be able to improve this a bit. The rapidly changing displays ...
- Opened on Oct 14, 2013
- #4
It made sense during initial coding to have sevenSeg be the widget for a discrete digit, and then sevenSegArray combine
them into multiple digits. However, it seems it would be much simpler (from and API ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 14, 2013
- #3
Once support for mousewheel is added, sevenSeg.js is then capable of being an input control, and not just output. This
will need to expose an event to publish when changes occur. Additionally, KO databindings ...
- Opened on Oct 14, 2013
- #2

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