Update: MerkleDistributor.sol
Terminal Commands:
- 'yarn': installs dependencies
- 'yarn compile': runs waffle
- 'yarn pretest': compiles smart contracts
- 'yarn test': runs mocha
- 'yarn generate-merkle-root:example': runs ts-node scripts/generate-merkle-root.ts --input scripts/example.json
- 'yarn prepublishOnly': runs yarn test
Update: scripts/result.json to the output generated from generate merkle root: example
- Note: if dev (that's you) not on whitelist, then test with inclusion, then remove on new root generation and cross your fingers and hope to gawd that the new root works when the time comes for production.
Run: yarn run ts-node scripts/verify-merkle-root.ts --input scripts/result.json
- Resolve Failure: ensure that the result.json is updated to the merkle root that aligns with input example and not from the default configuration.
Run: to-kv-input (inputs below)
- Claims Tree
- Chain-ID
- Token: Cloudflare API token
- Account Identifier: Cloudflare account identifier
- Namespace Identifier: Cloudflare KV namespace identifier
Credit: README.md and MerkleDistributor.sol created by Uni