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Ansible project for building out the EZID UI application

This project performs initial setup and installation of the UC3 EZID UI application. It is designed to work in conjunction with the uc3_ezid_ui puppet module.

In general, the tasks in this project run as the application user. It does not touch any root owned resources. This is left to puppet.

What Puppet does

  • Configure bash shell environment for application user (SSM_DEFAULT_PATH, SSM_ROOT_PATH, AWS_REGION)
  • Install system package prerequisites
  • Install ansible as $app_user
  • Clone EZID project repo into $install_dir
  • Install required additional ansible (Galaxy) roles. These are used to set up pyenv.
  • Manage ansible_extra_vars.yaml file.
  • Run ansible-playbook to deploy application.
  • Manage ezid service and background jobs with systemd.

What ezid-ansible does

  • Create application directory layout
  • Setup python virtual environments with pyenv
  • Install python packages on the virtualenv (mod_wsgi)
  • Sets global pyenv (variable pyenv_global)
  • Clone ezid repo (See:
  • Clone ezid-info-pages repo
  • Run to install python requirements and ezid commandline tools (console_scripts)
  • Generate from template using values retrived from SSM ParameterStore
  • Configure httpd


Puppet takes care of this part for you, but to be thorough:

  1. Clone this repo onto your target host as the application user.
cd ${install_dir}
git clone
  1. Install ansible galaxy pluggins for pyenv:
# install ansible plugins
ansible-galaxy install -r ${install_dir}/ezid/ansible/roles/requirements.yaml


# Run all ansible-playbook commands from `ansible` directory (i.e. where this README lives).

# Default deployment (see `group_vars/all`)
# dry-run 
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml --check --diff
# for reals
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml

# Supply varibles with --extra-vars flag to override defaults
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml -e '{"project_branch": "2.0.1", "pyver_global": "ezid-py38"}

# Supply extra-args as yaml file.  This is the preferred method (what puppet does).
# dry-run
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml -e @ansible_extra_vars.yaml -C -D
# for reals
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml -e @ansible_extra_vars.yaml

# Test variable interpolation for extra vars file
ansible-playbook -i hosts test_vars.yaml -e @ansible_extra_vars.yaml

Using tags to limit which tasks get run

Tasks can be run selectively based on ansible tags. These are set in roles/ezid/tasks/main.yaml

ezid-ansible> grep tags roles/ezid/tasks/main.yaml
  tags: setup_base_dirs
  tags: setup_pyenv
  tags: install_mod_wsgi
  tags: install_ezid
  tags: configure_ezid
  tags: configure_httpd

# Use flag `--tags` to only run pyenv setup play
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml -e @ansible_extra_vars.yaml --tags 'setup_pyenv'

# Use flag `--skip-tags` to opt out of application re-deployment
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml -e @ansible_extra_vars.yaml --skip-tags 'install_ezid,configure_ezid'

Ansible Extra Vars File

We use the file ansible_extra_vars.yaml to set deployment specific variables. This file is manage by puppet and lives in ${install_dir}/ezid-ansible. It is ignored by git. Varialbles set here have the highest scope of all ansible variables, overiding vars set in group_vars/all and those retrived from SSM ParamterStore.

Here we define values for python virtual environments and what version of the EZID project to deploy.

ezid-ansible$ cat ansible_extra_vars.yaml
user: ezid
group: ezid
app_dir: /ezid
ezid_version: 3.0.0
pyenv_global: ezid-py38
- python_version: 2.7.18
  pyenv_name: ezid-py27
- python_version: 3.8.5
  pyenv_name: ezid-py38

From this example we see 2 pyenv are available, but that ezid-py38 is currently active as the global pyenv.

Ansible Vars and SSM ParameterStore

We are now using AWS SSM ParameterStore to stage configuration data and service credentials. These are applied to EZID config files using ansible templates (jinga2). Configuration parameter values differ depending on the DEPLOYMENT_LEVEL of the service, e.g. remotedev, stage, production.

Ansible accesses SSM parameters using the aws-ssm lookup plugin (

This lookup is defined within group_vars/all. The lookup depends upon the SSM_DEFAULT_PATH and SSM_ROOT_PATH shell environemt vars which are pre-configured by puppet.

aws_region: "{{ lookup('env', 'AWS_REGION') | default('us-west-2') }}"
ssm_default_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'SSM_DEFAULT_PATH') | default('/no/path/') }}"
ssm_root_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'SSM_ROOT_PATH') | default('/no/path/') }}"
ssm_default_params: "{{ lookup(
) | default({}, true)}}"
ssm_root_params: "{{ lookup(
) | default({}, true)}}"
ssm_params: "{{ ssm_default_params|combine(ssm_root_params) }}"

This lookup slurps up all SSM params under the given paths into a dictionary giving priority to those found under SSM_ROOT_PATH.

Individual ansible vars are then extracted from the ssm_params dictionary for use by ansible tasks and templates:

# Application Settings
# These are used to populate settings/
allocator_cdl_password:     "{{ ssm_params['allocator_cdl_password'] }}"
allocator_purdue_password:  "{{ ssm_params['allocator_purdue_password'] }}"
admin_username:             "{{ ssm_params['admin_username'] }}"
admin_password:             "{{ ssm_params['admin_password'] }}"
binder_url:                 "{{ ssm_params['binder_url'] }}"
binder_username:            "{{ ssm_params['binder_username'] }}"
binder_password:            "{{ ssm_params['binder_password'] }}"

Setting and Checking Values in SSM ParameterStore

Our EZID ec2 servers are set up with read access to SSM ParameterStore values under a path relevent to service environment. This permission is specified within the ec2 instance profile applied to the server by our IAS team at build time.

SSM ParameterStore values are set from our AWS operations host which has write access to all SSM params under path /uc3/.

Setting a parameter:

aws ssm put-parameter --name ${SSM_ROOT_PATH}/allocator_cdl --value "xxxxxxxx" --type String

Updating a paramter value

aws ssm put-parameter --name ${SSM_ROOT_PATH}/allocator_cdl --value "yyyyyyyy" --type String --overwrite

Deleting a parameter

aws ssm delete-parameter --name ${SSM_ROOT_PATH}/binder_password

Reviewing parameter values

aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path $SSM_DEFAULT_PATH --recursive --region us-west-2
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path $SSM_ROOT_PATH --recursive --region us-west-2