contains the content of Manifold website, which can be bundled and copied to gh-pages branch for deployment.
In root directory:
yarn install:all # or `yarn install:web` if you have already installed in root directory
In /website
yarn start
After finishing developing the website, you can deploy it to gh-pages.
In root directory:
yarn deploy
This will bundle the website into /website/dist
directory, copy the content in /website/dist
to the root of gh-pages
branch, and push ro remote gh-pages
branch (so that it is accessible through Manifold website)
Import the example from the /examples
folder and add to the website. E.g.:
In /website/src/main.js
import Demo from '../../examples/manifold/src/app';
const Root = () => (
<Provider store={store}>
<Route path="/" component={Demo} />