The IlmBase libraries are a part of the OpenEXR project and include the following:
Half - a class that encapsulates our 16-bit floating-point format.
Imath - 2D and 3D vectors, 3x3 and 4x4 matrices, quaternions and other useful 2D and 3D math functions.
Iex - an exception-handling library.
IexMath - math exception types.
IlmThread - a thread abstraction library for use with OpenEXR and other software packages. It currently supports pthreads and Windows threads.
In addition, the distribution also includes confidence test libaries:
- HalfTest
- IexTest
- ImathTest.
These libraries are covered under the BSD-3-Clause license of the OpenEXR project.
See the top-level INSTALL file for information about building and installing the OpenEXR libraries.