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File metadata and controls

266 lines (186 loc) · 6.59 KB

Developer Guide

This is guide for developers to setup the development environment. Before you start to get prepared for the develop environment, you need to make sure your basic tools are installed correctly.

  • Nodejs (Notice: To build the project, the right version is needed, otherwise installation can not be corrected, see .node-version)
  • pnpm
  • docker

Development Setup

  • copy to .env

  • install dependencies

    pnpm i
  • install dababase postgres with vector plugin

    docker pull ankane/pgvector
  • start postgres db in docker

    docker run --name callgent-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e PG_VECTOR_EXTENSION=true -d ankane/pgvector
  • init db

    npx prisma generate # generate PrismaClient
    npx prisma migrate dev # init db schema
    npx prisma db seed # init db data
  • init db test data

    npx prisma migrate reset # reset db to initial state
    pnpm run prisma:seed-test # init db test data
  • start server

    pnpm run start:dev

If all the above steps are done, and nothing failed, you can access the API at http://localhost:3000/api

  • run tests

    pnpm run test:e2e

Development Logs

init project

  • init project

    pnpm i -g @nestjs/cli
    nest new callgent-api
    cd callgent-api

add dependencies

integrate prisma

  • automatically setup the library, scripts and Docker files

    nest add nestjs-prisma
  • integrate prisma plugins

  • ReposModule

  • init db

    npx prisma init
  • create prisma schema, then init db

    npx prisma migrate dev --name init


  1. write default value for tenancy.tenantPk in db
tenantPk Int  @default(dbgenerated("(current_setting('tenancy.tenantPk'))::int"))
  1. enable postgres row level security(RLS), so that we can filter data by tenantPk automatically: config in prisma/migrations/01_row_level_security/migration.sql, @see

  2. set tenantPk into cls context:

    cls.set('TENANT_ID', ..
  3. extend PrismaClient to set tenantPk before any query

    SELECT set_config('tenancy.tenantPk', cls.get('TENANT_ID') ...
  4. bypass rls, for example, by admin, or looking up the logon user to determine their tenant ID:

    CREATE POLICY bypass_rls_policy ON "User" USING (current_setting('tenancy.bypass_rls', TRUE)::text = 'on');

    then when you want to bypass rls, you must set tenancy.bypass_rls to on before running the query:

    await prisma.$executeRaw`SELECT set_config('tenancy.bypass_rls', 'on', TRUE)`;


there is no account type, you may invite members to your account if you have permission. TODO: you may set a mail host as default members. you may bind many identities to your user, which is useful to access oauth provider resources,


all validation is based on bearer token, with payload:

  iss: user.tenantPk.toString(),
change authorization to x-callgent-authorization header

extract token from header:

export class JwtStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {
  constructor() {
      jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromExtractors([
        // ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), // For bearer token
        (request) => request?.headers['x-callgent-authorization'],
swagger support
  1. config swagger

     const config = new DocumentBuilder()
       // ...
       // .addBearerAuth(schema, 'defaultBearerAuth')
       .addSecurity('defaultBearerAuth', {
         type: 'apiKey',
         in: 'header',
         name: 'x-callgent-authorization',
  2. set default token for API test

    const devJwtToken = 'test-jwt-token';
     const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, config);
     SwaggerModule.setup('docs/api', app, document, {
       swaggerOptions: {
         authAction: {
           defaultBearerAuth: {
             schema: { type: 'apiKey', in: 'header' },
             value: devJwtToken,
  3. On controller, change from @ApiBearerAuth('defaultBearerAuth') to @ApiSecurity('defaultBearerAuth').

local auth

login with email and password, TODO: email verification is required.

oauth client

need NOT scope to get user email:

to add a new oauth client
  1. create a oauth client in 3rd party provider, e.g. github, get client id and secret

  2. in .env add:

  3. add provider config in oauth-client.module.ts

  4. add user info retrieval logic in AutLoginListener#retrieveUserInfoFromOauth()

  5. finally, /api/auth/{PROVIDER_KEY} is ready to use

EntityIdExists validator

We defined a parameter validator EntityIdExists to check if an entity exists in the database.

Validation on DTO

You may annotate it to your DTO property like this:

export class CreateTaskDto {
  // ...

  // automatically validation check if the callgent exists in db on controller requesting
  @EntityIdExists('callgent', 'id') // @EntityIdExists('entityType', 'fieldName')
  callgentId: string;

Validation on prisma generated DTO

Based on prisma-generator-nestjs-dto, you may also annotate this decorator in schema.prisma file:

model Task {
  // ...
  /// @CustomValidator(EntityIdExists, 'callgent', 'id', ../../infra/repo/validators/entity-exists.validator)
  callgentId String @db.VarChar(36)

This makes the generated DTO to be annotated with @EntityIdExists decorator.

Retrieves the entity instance

This makes sure the callgentId field is a valid UUID of a callgent in the database.
you can retrieve the entity instance directly from the dto:

const callgent = EntityIdExists.entity<Callgent>(dto, 'callgentId') ||
          (await prisma.callgent.findUnique({ where: {id: dto.callgentId} }));