(c) 2013-2014 Cergoo
under terms of ISC license
###primitive Package primitive it's a binary encode/decode primitive elementary implementation http://godoc.org/github.com/Cergoo/gol/encode/binary/primitive
Package encodebinary it's a binary encode/decode implementation to fast and easy serialize data.
Package encodebinaryFast it's a like protobuf encoder/decoder genarator from encodebinary protocol. See example.
This is a set of packages to be marshaled from 'go' to .json.
Standard unit of refusing to encode json from hash map keys which are not strings,
This package encode them as arrays and hash map whose string keys as objects.
Also realized rapid encoding json alternative github.com/pquerna/ffjson
- coding without error;
- supported json.Marshaler interface.
- tag json supported
Encode std_json: 500000 4525 ns/op error json: unsupported type: map[int]str gol_encodejson: 200000 13359 ns/op 844 B/op 45 allocs/op gol_encodejsonFast: 1000000 2062 ns/op 88 B/op 5 allocs/op
Package cache it's a in-memory key-value store based of the thread-safe hasmap implementation (key type string and key type uint64) similar to memcached that is suitable for applications running on a single machine.
Automatic lifetime management of records can be enabled or disabled. LRU caches are affected by the problem leaching records in intensive add, i.e. the records permanently pushed do not linger in the cach. This package does not implement the LRU. In this implementation the time life records indicated for all the generated cache, specified time value is the size of time interval during which a new record is guaranteed to live in the cache. Then have a record of lives at least one time interval maximum of two time interval + can be implemented for the "if it's read then it lives" if a record is requested that her life is prolonged for the next time interval.
- thread-safe
- faste and high availability
- increment/decrement command supported
- save/load operation supported
- mechanism of managing the lifetime data: time expirations (set for the entire cache) and options "if read then life", support callback function on a remove
- items count limiter
- use your hash function.
go-cache https://github.com/pmylund/go-cache
go version go1.3, single thread
Set Cergoo.cacheStr: 5000 456282 ns/op 23200 B/op 1450 allocs/op go-cache: 5000 734426 ns/op 66266 B/op 2956 allocs/op Get Cergoo.cacheStr: 5000 359400 ns/op 23200 B/op 1450 allocs/op go-cache: 5000 362525 ns/op 15184 B/op 949 allocs/op Inc Cergoo.cacheStr: 5000 406278 ns/op 23200 B/op 1450 allocs/op go-cache: 5000 428155 ns/op 15184 B/op 949 allocs/op
Subcribe channel pack, send messages of writer to a each subscribers.
Easy atomic counter type.
Editable error implementation.
io.Writer implementation.
Write fastbuf: 10000000 169 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op bytes.Buffer: 10000000 222 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
Filepath util.
Hash functions library.
Generate http compatible ID. http://godoc.org/github.com/Cergoo/gol/http/genid
Http methods name.
http/1.1 client side cache control pkg.
Cookie pkg.
Cookie based session engin implementation.
Routing a path url to action or file. First elemet path is action name, others elemets is a request parameters.
- routing to file;
- suppart http method for REST routing;
- logging a errors action to stderr.
####Route example: pubic/1/en ------- ---- -- actionName/:id/:lang and getfile/path/to/file
Support comments in json config files.
String key to uint id and uint id to string key association pack. No save thread. http://godoc.org/github.com/Cergoo/gol/keyid
Additional reflection functions
Universal caller of functions
Package lookup it's a lookup reflection functions
Package stack it's a simple stack implementation. No thread safe.
Package stacklf it's a implementation lockfree LIFO stack
Package stackCounter it's a implementation lockfree LIFO stack under counter & limiter items
Package bytestack it's a simple fixed length slice stack implementation. No thread safe.
Package lock it's a simple spin lock structure implementation
Package mrsw it's a simple multi reade single write dispatcher
Test helper functions is a simple assertion wrapper for Go's built in "testing" package, fork jmervine/GoT
Package i18n implementation
- Load from .json format language resource store.
- Support tag: include context vars and plural.
- Support user functions
- Support pluggable modules as a user functions librarys (a example 'humanize' mod implementation)
Good afternoon, Mr.(Mrs.) {{0}}, you have {{1 %.2f}} {{plural apple 1}}. Good afternoon, Mr.(Mrs.) {{0}}, you have {{f humanByteLong 1}}.
See tplEngin/i18n/i18n/exaple for more details.
Plural form rules, fork plural github.com/vube/i18n
Package human it's a formatters for units to human friendly sizes
Parser util from i18n & tpl pkg
Templare engin. Attention! Work not complete.