Authority is an authorization package for Golang.
When building web applications, we usually have requirements like verify current user has access to something or not, Authority could help you by providing HTTP middleware and helper method.
It is based on Roles, means to define an ability, you need to register a role with Roles
, refer Roles for how to do that.
Authority could use with Auth to get current user, handle sessions, you could use it, or implement your own AuthInterface
import (
func main() {
Auth := auth.New(&auth.Config{})
Authority := authority.New(&authority.Config{
Auth: Auth,
Role: roles.Global, // default configuration
AccessDeniedHandler: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { // redirect to home page by default
http.Redirect(w, req, "/", http.StatusSeeOther)
Refer Roles for how to use roles to register roles, here is a sample:
roles.Register("admin", func(req *http.Request, currentUser interface{}) bool {
return req.RemoteAddr == "" || (currentUser.(*User) != nil && currentUser.(*User).Role == "admin")
You might have some requirements like time based authorization, for example:
- I get distracted, come back to the site in 2 hours, then no access to my account details page, but still be able to visit shopping cart
- When place an order, I have to been authorized less than 60 minutes
Authority provides some Rules to make you define them easily, used like:
Authority.Register("access_account_pages", authority.Rule{
TimeoutSinceLastActive: 2 * time.Hour,
Authority.Register("place_an_order", authority.Rule{
TimeoutSinceLastAuth: time.Hour,
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
// Require current user has `access_account_pages` ability to acccess `AccountProfileHandler`
mux.Handle("/account/profile", Authority.Authorize("access_account_pages")(AccountProfileHandler))
// Any logged user could acccess `AccountProfileHandler` if no roles specfied
mux.Handle("/account/profile", Authority.Authorize()(AccountProfileHandler))
http.ListenAndServe(":9000", mux)
func AccountProfileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// ...
func updateCreditCard(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if Authority.Allow("place_an_order", req) {
// do something
} else {
// do something