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Car Shoot

Cars are floating past. Shoot them down!

You are at a carnival booth. Cars float across the back of the booth. The player uses their marble gun to shoot down as many of the cars as possible before the time runs out.

This scenario can be extended to 2 players.


Common Setup

  1. Follow the instructions in the Common Setup section of the scenarios readme to set up the skeleton of the project.

Engine Initialization

  1. Define a GameState struct with the following fields:
    • marble_labels - a vector of strings. These will be labels for our marble sprites.
    • cars_left - an integer tracking how many cars are left to spawn
    • spawn_timer - a timer indicating when it's time to spawn another car
  2. Create an instance of your GameState struct to with the following values:
    • marble_labels should be this vector of strings: vec!["marble1".into(), "marble2".into(), "marble3".into()] - we'll pop these off to use as labels for marble sprites, and then push them back on the vector when the marble sprites get destroyed. That way, we can only have three marbles in-flight at any time.
    • cars_left to a reasonable number such as 25. This will be the number of cars which drive by.
    • spawn_timer should be a non-repeating Timer set to 0.0 seconds so that it goes off immediately upon startup.
  3. Pass your game state variable to

Game Setup

In your // game setup goes here section of main...

  1. (Optional) Set the window title to be Car Shoot
  2. (Optional) Play some music. We recommend the music preset MusicPreset::Classy8Bit at a volume of 0.1.
  3. Create a player sprite. The player will be represented by a rectangle that represents the barrel of the marble gun. We'll use SpritePreset::RacingBarrierRed
  4. We'll pretend the player is standing off the bottom of the screen, and only the barrel of their gun is visible. Let's place the sprite accordingly--set the sprite's:
    • rotation to UP so it is pointing towards the top of the screen
    • scale to 0.5 so it's about the right size
    • translation.y to -325.0 so it goes off the bottom of the screen a little
    • layer to 10.0 so it will be on top of the marble which will be at a lower layer
  5. Create a Text with the label "cars left" that displays how many cars are left to spawn, with:
    • the value of format!("Cars left: {}", game_state.cars_left);
    • the translation of Vec2::new(540.0, -320.0); to put it in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Game Logic

In your game_logic(...) function...

  1. Have the "gun barrel" follow the mouse on the X axis by set the translation.x of the player sprite to the x value of the mouse location.
  2. If the left mouse button was just pressed, then:
    1. If there is a label string left in the game_state.marble_labels vector, then:
      • Using the label value, create a new marble sprite using SpritePreset::RollingBallBlue
      • Make sure the label has been removed from the game-state.marble_labels vector. This way, we can only have as many marbles on thes screen as there are labels to remove from the vector. (We'll add the label back to the vector when we've finished with the marble).
      • Set the marble sprite's:
        • translation.x to the player's x location that we put in our player_x variable.
        • translation.y to -275.0, which will put the marble under the end of the gun.
        • layer to 5.0, which will put it underneath the gun sprite
        • collision to true so that we can detect collisions between the marble and the cars.
      • Play a sound effect to indicate the firing of the marble. We suggest the sound effect preset SfxPreset::Impact2 at a volume of 0.4.
  3. Move the marbles upwards (in the positive Y direction)
    1. Define a MARBLE_SPEED constant (probably out in the module level) for how fast your marble should move and set it to the f32 value of 600.0.
    2. Loop through all the marble sprites (the sprites whose labels start with "marble"), for each of them:
      • increment the marble sprite's translation.y by MARBLE_SPEED * engine.delta_f32
  4. Clean up sprites that have moved off the top or the right side of the screen.
    1. We can't modify a hash map of sprites while we're looping through its values, so let's create an empty vector of strings and fill it with labels of sprites that we want to delete. Once we're done examining the hash map, we can loop through the vector of labels and remove those hash map entries.
    2. Create a new vector labels_to_delete
    3. For every sprite value in the hash map:
      • check to see if either the translation.y > 400.0 or the translation.x > 750.0. If either of those conditions are true, push a clone of the label onto the labels_to_delete vector.
    4. For every label in labels_to_delete:
      • Remove the sprite entry. The hash map's remove method takes an immutable reference to the key type, so if you are looping through the label strings by value, you may need to add a & in front of your label variable: engine.sprites.remove(&label)
      • If the label starts with marble, then push the label onto the game_state.marble_labels vector. That way we'll be able to shoot another marble.
  5. Spawn a car if the game_state.spawn_timer just finished! So tick the spawn timer and check to see if it just finished -- if it did, then:
    1. Set game_state.spawn_timer to a new Timer with a random value between 0.1 and 1.25
      • Add the rand crate as a dependency in your Cargo.toml
      • Add use rand::prelude::*; to the top of your file
      • Use thread_rng().gen_range(0.1..1.25) to obtain a random f32 value between 0.1 and 1.25
      • Create a non-repeating Timer and assign it as the value to game_state.spawn_timer
    2. If there are any cars left (check the value of game_state.cars_left), then:
      1. Decrement game_state.cars_left by one
      2. Retrieve a mutable reference to the Text we labeled "cars left"
        • Set the value to format!("Cars left: {}", game_state.cars_left)
      3. Create a label for the current car that starts with car: format!("car{}", game_state.cars_left) (remember, a label starting with car is what the movement code is looking for).
      4. Create a vector of SpritePresets of cars to randomly select from: let car_choices = vec![SpritePreset::RacingCarBlack, SpritePreset::RacingCarBlue, SpritePreset::RacingCarGreen, SpritePreset::RacingCarRed, SpritePreset::RacingCarYellow];
      5. Make a random sprite preset choice: car_choices.iter().choose(&mut thread_rng()).unwrap().clone()
      6. Actually create the sprite with the label and sprite preset selected above. Set the sprite's:
        • translation.x to -740.0
        • translation.y to a random value from -100.0 to 325.0 -- thread_rng().gen_range(-100.0..325.0)
        • collision to true so that the car will collide with marbles
  6. Move cars right across the screen (in the positive X direction). The logic for this section is very similar to the previous section that moved marbles.
    1. Define a CAR_SPEED constant and set it to 250.0
    2. Loop through all the car sprites (the sprites whose labels start with "car"), for each of them:
      • increment the car sprite's translation.x by CAR_SPEED * engine.delta_f32
  7. Now it's time to handle the collisions! For each CollisionEvent in engine.collision_events:
    • We only care about the start of collisions, not the ending of them, so if event.state.is_end(), then continue the loop.
    • Similarly, if one of the event pair's labels doesn't start with "marble", then it's either two marbles or two cars colliding with each other, which we don't care about. So if !event.pair.one_starts_with("marble"), then continue the loop.
    • At this point we know that one of the pair is a marble and the other is a car, and they both need to be removed. So using the labels in the event.pair tuple, delete both sprites.
    • Now that a marble has been "destroyed", we are allowed to shoot it from the gun again, so grab whichever label of the event.pair tuple that starts with "marble" and push a clone of it back onto the game_state.marble_labels vector.
    • Play a sound effect for successfully hitting a car with a marble. Use SfxPreset::Confirmation1 with a volume of 0.2

You made it to the end of the main scenario! You should have a playable game prototype by this point.



  • Keep track of points, display the points in a corner of the screen
  • Make it so that after the game ends, you can press a key and start a new game
  • Keep track of the high score across games and display it when the game ends
  • Don't allow cars to spawn on top of other cars
  • Powerups! Powerups float across like cars and activate when hit.
    • Spread-fire
    • Rapid-fire
    • Explosion - clear the screen
  • Make the movement of the cars more interesting - have them drive in curvy motions
  • Smart black cars - black cars sometimes slow down or speed up so a shot will miss them
  • Armored cars - Green cars take two marbles to take down
  • Add support for a second player, with separate scores for each player. You'll need to figure out some way for the second player to control their marble gun...