RooVetGit / Roo-Code
Forked from cline/clineRoo Code (prev. Roo Cline) is an AI-powered autonomous coding agent that lives in your editor.
timvisee / send
Forked from mozilla/send📬 Simple, private file sharing. Mirror of
logickworkshop / Flipper-IRDB
Forked from Lucaslhm/Flipper-IRDBA collective of different IRs for the Flipper
A scrapy pipeline which send items to Elastic Search server
🔰 Compatible with all TTGO camera products
younghz / scrapy-redis
Forked from rmax/scrapy-redisRedis-based components for scrapy that allows distributed crawling
Wireless Camera using LilyGo T-SimCam
charettes / wtfPython
Forked from satwikkansal/wtfpythonA collection of subtle and tricky Python examples
adsbfi / tar1090
Forked from wiedehopf/tar1090Provides an improved webinterface for use with ADS-B decoders readsb / dump1090-fa
OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware for OpenSprinkler, OpenSprinkler Pi, and OpenSprinkler Beagle.
pixelspark / syncthing
Forked from MobiusSync/syncthingOpen Source Continuous File Synchronization
Easily change the logos, colors and company name in the Mautic user interface.
Log in to WordPress with secure passwordless magic links.
prasad0552 / page-builder
Forked from ohanspace/page-buildergrapejs and laravel
jumalakarhu / AndroidAPSdocs
Forked from openaps/AndroidAPSdocsDocumentation for AndroidAPS