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Winapp2ool is a small but robust application designed to take the busy work out of maintaining, managing, downloading, and deploying winapp2.ini

Requirements & Notes


  • Windows Vista SP2
  • .NET Framework 4.5


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • .NET Framework 4.6 or higher (for automatically updating the executable)

WindowsXP users should use winapp2oolXP, which disables the ability to download the executable, but retains all other functionality.

Winapp2ool requires administrative permissions to run correctly.

It is designed for use with a network connection, but most functions will work without one by acting on local files.

If winapp2ool is launched without a network connection, or .NET Framework 4.6 (or newer) is not installed, some functions and menu options will be unavailable. A prompt will be displayed to the user to retry their connection or update their .NET Framework in these instances.

By default, each tool in the application assumes that local files it is looking for are in the same folder as the executable.

Menu Options

Option Effect Notes
WinappDebug Opens WinappDebug, a static analysis tool for winapp2.ini
Trim Opens Trim, a tool for tailoring winapp2.ini to a user's system
Merge Opens Merge, a tool for merging and removal operations between multiple ini files
Diff Opens Diff, a tool for generating Diffs between two versions of an ini file
CCiniDebug Opens CCiniDebug, a tool for cleaning up ccleaner.ini
Downloader Opens Downloader, a tool for downloading files from GitHub Unavailable in offline mode
Go Online Attempts to reestablish your network connection. Only available in offline mode
Update Downloads the latest winapp2.ini from GitHub to the current folder Only available alongside an available update
Update & Trim Downloads the latest winapp2.ini to the current folder and trims it Only available alongside an available update
Show Update Diff Diffs your local copy of winapp2.ini against the latest version hosted on GitHub in order to show a changelog Only available alongside an available update
Update Attempts to automatically update winapp2ool.exe to the latest version from GitHub Only available alongside an available update for winap2ool. Unavailable in offline mode, or on machines with .NET Framework 4.5 or lower installed (ie. Winapp2oolXP)

Command-line arguments

Winapp2ool supports command line arguments ("args"). There are several top level args which apply settings globally, and then there are tool specific args which will be defined in the respective section for those tools.

The first argument provided should always refer to the module you would like to use, as below. Use of - before these args is not required, but it is supported.

Arg Effect
1 or debug Launches WinappDebug
2 or trim Launches Trim
3 or merge Launches Merge
4 or diff Launches Diff
5 or ccdebug Launches CCiniDebug
6 or download Launches Downloader

Other top level args

Arg Effect
-s Enables "silent mode" - muting almost all output and prompts for input. Exceptions may not be shown when silent mode is enabled
-1d, -2d, or -3d Defines a new file name and/or path for the module's respectively numbered file. *
-1f, -2f, or -3f Defines a new file name for the module's respectively numbered file **
-ncc Enables "Non-CCleaner" mode and sets the Non-CCleaner ini as the default

* The "first file" (-1d or -1f) in all modules is winapp2.ini. Refer to a specific module's documentation for information on its other files. ** You can easily define subdirectories by using the -f flag for your file and providing the directory before the file name, eg -1f \subdir\winapp2.ini


Args Effect
winapp2ool.exe -1 -c Opens and runs WinappDebug with saving of changes enabled
winapp2ool.exe -2 -d -s Silently opens Trim and trims the latest winapp2.ini from GitHub
winapp2ool download winapp2 -s Silently opens Downloader and downloads the latest winapp2.ini
Module code documentation below


Name Type Default Value Description
RemoteWinappIsNonCC Boolean False Indicates that winapp2ool is in "Non-CCleaner" mode and should collect the appropriate ini from GitHub
DotNetFrameworkOutOfDate Boolean False Indicates that the .NET Framework installed on the current machine is below the targeted version (.NET Framework 4.5)
isOffline Boolean False Indicates that winapp2ool currently has access to the internet
isBeta Boolean False on Release, True on Beta Indicates that this build is beta and should check the beta branch link for updates

Helper functions


Checks the version of Windows on the current system and returns it as a Double

Public Function getWinVer() As Double
        Dim osVersion = System.Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Replace("Microsoft Windows NT ", "")
        Dim ver = osVersion.Split(CChar("."))
        Dim out = Val($"{ver(0)}.{ver(1)}")
        Return out
    End Function


Returns the first portion of a registry or filepath parameterization

Public Function getFirstDir(val As String) As String
    Return val.Split(CChar("\"))(0)
End Function
Parameter Type Description
val String A Windows filesystem or registry path from which the root should be returned


Ensures that an iniFile has content and informs the user if it does not. Returns false if there are no sections

Public Function enforceFileHasContent(iFile As iniFile) As Boolean
    If iFile.Sections.Count = 0 Then
        setHeaderText($"{iFile.Name} was empty or not found", True)
        gLog($"{iFile.Name} was empty or not found", indent:=True)
        Return False
    End If
    Return True
End Function
Parameter Type Description
iFile iniFile An iniFile to be checked for content

Menu & Input


Prints the main winapp2ool menu to the user

Private Sub printMenu()
    checkUpdates(Not isOffline)
    printMenuTop({}, False)
    print(0, "Winapp2ool is currently in offline mode", cond:=isOffline, colorLine:=True, enStrCond:=(False), isCentered:=True, trailingBlank:=True)
    print(0, "Your .NET Framework is out of date", cond:=DotNetFrameworkOutOfDate, colorLine:=True, enStrCond:=(False), isCentered:=True, trailingBlank:=True)
    printUpdNotif(waUpdateIsAvail, "winapp2.ini", localWa2Ver, latestWa2Ver)
    printUpdNotif(updateIsAvail, "Winapp2ool", currentVersion, latestVersion)
    print(1, "Exit", "Exit the application")
    print(1, "WinappDebug", "Check for and correct errors in winapp2.ini")
    print(1, "Trim", "Debloat winapp2.ini for your system")
    print(1, "Merge", "Merge the contents of an ini file into winapp2.ini")
    print(1, "Diff", "Observe the changes between two winapp2.ini files")
    print(1, "CCiniDebug", "Sort and trim ccleaner.ini", trailingBlank:=True)
    print(1, "Downloader", "Download files from the Winapp2 GitHub", closeMenu:=Not isOffline And Not waUpdateIsAvail And Not updateIsAvail)
    If waUpdateIsAvail And Not isOffline Then
        print(1, "Update", "Update your local copy of winapp2.ini", leadingBlank:=True)
        print(1, "Update & Trim", "Download and trim the latest winapp2.ini")
        print(1, "Show update diff", "See the difference between your local file and the latest", closeMenu:=Not updateIsAvail)
    End If
    print(1, "Update", "Get the latest winapp2ool.exe", updateIsAvail And Not DotNetFrameworkOutOfDate, True, closeMenu:=True)
    print(1, "Go online", "Retry your internet connection", isOffline, True, closeMenu:=True)
    Console.WindowHeight = If(waUpdateIsAvail And updateIsAvail, 32, 30)
End Sub


Handles the user input for the menu

Private Sub handleUserInput(input As String)
    Select Case True
        Case input = "0"
        Case input = "1"
            initModule("WinappDebug", AddressOf WinappDebug.printMenu, AddressOf WinappDebug.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "2"
            initModule("Trim", AddressOf Trim.printMenu, AddressOf Trim.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "3"
            initModule("Merge", AddressOf Merge.printMenu, AddressOf Merge.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "4"
            initModule("Diff", AddressOf Diff.printMenu, AddressOf Diff.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "5"
            initModule("CCiniDebug", AddressOf CCiniDebug.printMenu, AddressOf CCiniDebug.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "6"
            If Not denySettingOffline() Then initModule("Downloader", AddressOf Downloader.printMenu, AddressOf Downloader.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "7" And isOffline
            setHeaderText("Winapp2ool was unable to establish a network connection. You are still in offline mode.", True, isOffline)
        Case input = "7" And waUpdateIsAvail
            cwl("Downloading, this may take a moment...")
            download(New iniFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "winapp2.ini"), winapp2link, False)
            waUpdateIsAvail = False
        Case input = "8" And waUpdateIsAvail
            cwl("Downloading & trimming, this may take a moment...")
            remoteTrim(New iniFile("", ""), New iniFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "winapp2.ini"), True)
            waUpdateIsAvail = False
        Case input = "9" And waUpdateIsAvail
            cwl("Downloading & diffing, this may take a moment...")
            remoteDiff(New iniFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "winapp2.ini"))
            setHeaderText("Diff Complete")
        Case (input = "10" And (updateIsAvail And waUpdateIsAvail)) Or (input = "7" And (Not waUpdateIsAvail And updateIsAvail)) And Not DotNetFrameworkOutOfDate
            cwl("Downloading and updating winapp2ool.exe, this may take a moment...")
        Case input = "m"
            initModule("Minefield", AddressOf Minefield.printMenu, AddressOf Minefield.handleUserInput)
        Case input = "savelog"
        Case input = "printlog"
        Case Else
            setHeaderText(invInpStr, True)
    End Select
End Sub
Parameter Type Description
input String The user's input


Processes the command-line args and then initializes the main winapp2ool module

Public Sub main()
    gLog($"Starting application")
    Console.Title = $"Winapp2ool v{currentVersion}"
    Console.WindowWidth = 126
    ' winapp2ool requires .NET 4.6 or higher for full functionality, all versions of which report the following version
    If Not Environment.Version.ToString = "4.0.30319.42000" Then DotNetFrameworkOutOfDate = True
    gLog($".NET Framework is out of date. Found {Environment.Version.ToString}", DotNetFrameworkOutOfDate)
    ' winapp2ool requires internet access for some functions
    If SuppressOutput Then Environment.Exit(1)
    initModule($"Winapp2ool v{currentVersion} - A multitool for winapp2.ini", AddressOf printMenu, AddressOf handleUserInput)
End Sub