Hello and welcome! This folder has been automatically generated by @changesets/cli
, a build tool that works
with multi-package repos, or single-package repos to help you version and publish your code. You can
find the full documentation for it in our repository
We have a quick list of common questions to get you started engaging with this project in our documentation
Normal mode means you don't have a prerelease
- Merging to main will make a versioning pr compiling all the changesets moving the repo into preset mode
- Until this pr merges main is still in normal mode
- In normal mode you can keep making patches to the release branch from main still without needing to cherry-pick manually publish
- As prs keep being added this pr will keep taking on commits
- When ready to release, enter prerelease mode via merging
- Merging to main will make/update a versioning pr
- Merge this versioning pr to make another prerelease increasing the nonce by 1 each time
- Running
changeset pre exit
will exit prerelease mode - For convenience there is a github action to do it
- Once out of prerelease mode you can now publish normally do a normal changeset flow
Warning: If you decide to do prereleases from the main branch of your repository, without having a branch for your last stable release without the prerelease changes, you will block other changes until you are ready to exit prerelease mode. We thoroughly recommend only running prereleases from a branch other than the main branch.