- Stow
- Git
- Zsh
- Nvim
- ripgrep
- Alacritty
- Starship
- unzip
- Lazygit
- Tmux
- fzf
- NerdFont fira code
- fd
You can use the following command to install the requirements
pacman -S stow git zsh neovim alacritty ripgrep starship unzip lazygit tmux fzf ttf-firacode-nerd fd
brew install stow git zsh nvim alacritty ripgrep starship unzip lazygit tmux fzf fd
Clone this repo in the home
) directory and run the following command to install the dotfiles.
stow .
chsh -s $(which zsh)
- Code folding for Nvim: https://essais.co/better-folding-in-neovim/
- Lots of snippets and configs: http://www.lazyvim.org/