- Haskell was created by a committee that was formed in the FPCA conference of 1987.
- Its purpose was to unite the functional programming world by being a language that is:
- Accessible (open-source)
- Stable
- Disruptive
- Useful for teaching, research, as well for real-world applications
Haskell is used in a plethora of fields and industries to solve a variety of problems. For example:
- The Cardano blockchain platform, its protocol and its smart contract infrastructure
- In Facebook for filtering spam.
- Hasura, an open-source real-time GraphQL engine is written in Haskell.
- A very distinctive feature of Haskell is Lazy evaluation.
- Its usefulness lies in the fact that it delays the computation of an expression until the value of the computation is needed.
- The efficiency of this operation provides the reduction of unnecessary calculations alongside the saving of time.
- The downside of this process is that the usage of memory can be unpredictable.
Lambda expressions are a way of defining an anonymous function, helping developers define functions “on the fly” and passing them directly as arguments to other functions.
\arg1 arg2 ... argN -> body
-- Example: Lambda that adds two numbers
\x y -> x + y
- Monads allow you to express complex computations in a modular way, granting the ability to represent computations as sequences of steps.
- It is a type class that defines two operations:
.- The return operation takes a value and puts it in a monad, lifting a pure value into a monadic context.
- The
operation is employed to connect monadic computations together.
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "What is your name ?"
name <- getLine
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ "!")
- Haskell’s
implementation uses a parallel generational-copying garbage collector. That means that all memory allocations and releases happen in the background automatically. - In every step, Haskell’s GC searches for any live data: Data pointed to by the roots (the stack and any global variables).
- The live data found are copied to a new heap; Any dead data is discarded.
Haskell’s API is represented by its Prelude, a structure which holds a set of standard definitions and is included automatically in all of Haskell’s modules. The definitions include:
- Functions:
- Data Types:
- Type Classes:
- Here’s a small program that computes the factorial of a given number recursively.
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
- Here’s a program that does the same thing by leveraging lambdas.
factorial n = product [1..n]