This is a port scanner. It spews out packets at a high rate, then catches any responses asynchronously. Because it's asynchronous, it's a lot faster than ''nmap'' -- and a lot less feature rich.
The intent is to be a 48-bit scanner -- scanning all ports (16-bits) on all IPv4 addresses (32-bits). It's also useful on smaller problems, such as the 10.x.x.x address space within a company.
It randomizes the IPv4+port combination, whereas nmap only randomizes the IPv4 address. This is so that we can send out 10-million packet per second when scanning the entire Internet, but the owner of a Class C network will only see 1 packet per second comming in.
On Debian/Ubuntu, it goes something like this:
$ git clone
$ cd masscan
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
$ make
$ make regresss
This puts the program in the 'bin' subdirectory.
On Windows, use the VisualStudio 2010 project.
On Mac OS X, once you've installed a developer environment, you should be able to likewise just "make; make regress". Detecting the network adapter is currently broken, so you'll get errors telling you what to manually configure when running the program.
On BSD's, it oughta be close to working, but I haven't tried it yet. I'd like to see what 'netmap' can do with it -- in theory should be a lot faster than Linux.
The project contains a built-in self-test:
$ make regress
bin/masscan --selftest
selftest: success!
If the self-test fails, the program returns an exit code of '1' and an error message particular to which module and subtest failed.
NOTE: The regression test is completely offline: it doesn't send any packets. It's just testing the invidual units within the program. I plan to create an online test, where a second program listens on the network to verify that what's transmitted is the same thing that was specified to be sent.
Usage is similar to ''nmap'', such as the following scan:
# bin/masscan -p80,8000-8100
This will:
- scan the 10.x.x.x subnet, all 16 million addresses
- scans port 80 and the range 8000 to 8100, or 102 addresses total
Some comparison with ''nmap'':
- no default ports to scan, you must specify ''-p ''
- the ''-sS'' option is enabled: this does SYN scan only
- the ''-n'' option is enabled: no DNS resolution happens
- the ''-Pn'' option is enabled: doesn't ping hosts first
- target hosts are IP addresses or ranges, not DNS names
- specify ''--rate ''
I've tried to make this familiar to ''nmap'' users, but fundamentally it's a vastly different scanner. You can try some ''nmap'' options you think might work -- it'll quickly tell you if they don't.
This program spews out packets very fast. On Windows, or from VMs, it can do 300,000 packets/second. On a Linux (no virtualization) it'll do 1.6 million packets-per-second. That's fast enough to melt most networks.
Note that it'll only melt your own network. It randomizes the target IP addresses so that it shouldn't overwhelm any one network.
By default, the rate is set to 100 packets/second. To increase the rate to a million use something like "--rate 1000000".
Here are some notes on the design.
This is an asynchronous program. That means it has a single thread that spews out packets indiscriminately without waiting for responses. Another thread collects the responses.
This has lots of subtle consequences. For example, you can't use this program to scan the local subnet, because it can't ARP targets and wait for responses -- that's synchronous thinking.
Packets are sent in a random order, randomizing simultaneously the IPv4 address and the port.
In other words, if you are scanning the entire Internet at a very fast rate, somebody owning a Class C network will see a very slow rate of packets.
The way we do this randomization is that we assign every IP/port combo a sequence number, then use a function that looks like:
seqno = translate(seqno);
The translate()
function uses some quirky math, based on the LCG PRNG
(the basic random number generator we are all familiar with) to do this
The key property here is that we can completely randomize the order without keeping any state in memory. In other words, scanning the entire Internet for all ports is a 48-bit problem (32-bit address and 16-bit port), but we accomplish this with only a few kilobytes of memory.