- Setup integration tests @victorteokw
- MySQL native enum @victorteokw
- MongoDB arrays @victorteokw
- Fixed PostgreSQL primary key bug @victorteokw
- Fixed SQLite primary key bug @victorteokw
- Fixed Rust command line argument bug @victorteokw
- Fixed Node.js run loop bug @victorteokw
- Enum member literal with arguments @victorteokw
- Named arguments for index decorators @victorteokw
- Separate index and columns in SQL @victorteokw
- Implement Node.js binding @victorteokw
- Add cuid2 item @victorteokw
- Add random float item @DunDun1124
- Add random int item @DunDun1124
- Add to word case item @luanxuechao
- Add to sentence case item @luanxuechao
- Add to title case item @luanxuechao
- Add to upper case item @Exclamation-mark
- Add to lower case item @Exclamation-mark