PLINK 1.9 中一些有用的参数
--keep-allele-order Do not flip A1 to be the minor allele
--set-missing-var-ids @:# 将PLINK文件SNP ID位置的.替换,方便后续分析
--allele1234 Convert (A,C,G,T) to (1,2,3,4)
--alleleACGT Convert (1,2,3,4) to (A,C,G,T)
--maf {0.01} Minor allele frequency
--max-maf {1} Maximum minor allele frequency
--geno {0.1} Maximum per-SNP missing
--mind {0.1} Maximum per-person missing
--hwe {0.001} Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium p-value (exact)
--hwe2 {0.001} Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium p-value (asymptotic)
--hwe-all HW filtering based on all founder individuals for binary trait (instead of just unaffecteds)
--me {0.1} {0.1} Mendel error rate thresholds (per SNP, per family)
--cell {5} Minimum genotype cell count for --model
--min {0} Minimum pi-hat for --genome output
--max {1} Maximum pi-hat for --genome output
--genome Calculate IBS distances between all individuals
--cluster Perform clustering
--matrix Output IBS (similarity) matrix
--distance-matrix Output 1-IBS (distance) matrix (IBD距离矩阵用这个)
--het Individual inbreeding F / heterozygosity
--homozyg-kb {kb} Identify runs of homozygosity (kb)
--homozyg-snp {N SNPs} Identify runs of homozygosity (# SNPs)
--homozyg-het {N hets} Allow for N hets in run of homozygosity
--homozyg-group Group pools of overlapping segments
--homozyg-match {0.95} Identity threshold for allelic matching overlapping segments
--homozyg-verbose Display actual genotypes for each pool