The goal of GGIRmatcher is to match time series GGIR part 5 output with time series extracted from an additional sensor at epoch level. Additionally, window-level (midnight to midnight, waking-up to waking-up, sleep onset to sleep onset, and time segments in the day) output can be derived using the GGIR output and the functions specified by the user over the additional sensor output.
GGIRmatcher has been extensively tested with CGM output.
You can install the development version of GGIRmatcher like so:
At the moment, GGIRmatcher is under development and its functionalities are limited to:
It expects that the additional sensor is not GGIR output as well. GGIRmatcher could be extended to match GGIR output data from different devices, yet this functionality needs to be developed.
It only matches GGIR day-level output from part 5, no person-level estimates or estimates from other parts of the GGIR pipeline are included in the GGIRmatcher report.
It only handles GGIR output with one configuration (i.e., one light, moderate, and vigorous threshold, and only one sleep definition).
It only derives full window-level outputs with indicators of valid windows for GGIR output and for additional sensor output. It is the user responsibility to clean up those reports and to generate person-level aggregates from them if needed.
It does not generate any kind of visualization of the data, but it produces the output necessary to visualize data.
If you are interested in promoting or funding any of these or other aspects of GGIRmatcher, please get in touch with the package maintainer.