TU Delft
- Delft. The Netherlands
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/daamanjyot-barara/
Classical Aerodynamics of potential flow using Python and Jupyter Notebooks
All benchmarks, examples and applications cases to be run by Kratos. Note that unit tests are in Kratos repository and NOT here
Blade Element Momentum Method for Propellers and Turbines
An interactional aerodynamics and acoustics solver for multirotor aircraft and wind energy
Blade Element Momentum Theory: developed during my Bachelor Thesis in Aerospace Engineering
This program computes the aerodynamic properties of a wing of high aspect ratio considering also the effects of the propellers. It applies the method developed by Anderson.
Aerodynamic optimization of an airfoil using an evolutionary algorithm
liquid rocket engine design, development, and sizing code
A numerical investigation into a regeneration-cooled rocket nozzle
A Python wrapper to use the Chemical Equilibrium with Applications Fortran code
Assorted calculators and simulation code for hybrid rocket engine design and testing
Cooling system modelling for liquid rocket engines.
Rocket Thermal Analysis (RTA) is an open-source thermal analysis software developed by Tau Rocket Team (UFSM-BR) . The software estimates the temperature distribution along the case and bulkhead of…
pyGeo provides geometric design variables and constraints suitable for gradient-based optimization.
Thermodynamic cycle modeling library, built on top of OpenMDAO
A sequence of Jupyter notebooks featuring the "12 Steps to Navier-Stokes" http://lorenabarba.com/
Official repository for Spyder - The Scientific Python Development Environment
SU2: An Open-Source Suite for Multiphysics Simulation and Design