- python
- python-chess
- Download and install python
- Run the command ’python -m pip install python-chess’
- Download and install python
- You can either navigate to where python.exe is installed in a CMD and enter the command: ’python -m pip install python-chess’ or alternatively do the next step which is more convienient for using this program when it comes to running the code.
- Press home button → search for ’Environment Variables’ → Click the box that says ’Environment Variables...’ → In the ’User variables for username ’ double click ’Path’ → Select ’New’ → Enter path to python.exe → click ok x3 → Press home button → search for cmd → type ’python -m pip install python-chess’ into cmd.
- Do a git clone or download from github
- In CMD: cd into the folder with chess_tactics_solver.py
- In CMD run: ’python chess_tactics_solver.py’
- Take your FEN and copy it to where it asks