- Dallas
(UTC -12:00) - https://www.zhihu.com/people/er-hu-zi-25
Simplicity in Speed, Purity in Design. Redefine Your Hexo Journey.
A lightweight html-based runtime web frontend framework
后台管理系统RABC通用权限控制规范与规范代码实施js-SDK,包含 节点/按钮/路由 等控制 ,支持hidden,disabled,删除,或则自定义function处理。 通过配置实现RABC的权限控制
Leading open source version of browser device fingerprint, accurate deviceID and risk identification.
Huxy Admin is a customizable admin dashboard template based on React. Built with Webpack, @huxy/pack, useRouter, useStore, etc.
Force a specific package manager to be used on a project
技术栈:redis+mysql+springboot+mybatispuls+thymeleaf 瑞吉外卖(补充完善版) 后台系统 功能:员工管理、菜品分类、菜品管理、套餐管理、订单明细、订单派送、订单查询 移动端 个人中心(退出登录、最新订单查询、历史订单、地址管理-修改地址、地址管理-删除地址) 购物车(删除购物车中的商品)
Browser Extension for Securely Managing API Keys with AES-GCM Encryption
Scientific computing and data tools ( Node.js )
VagrantFile Generator to quickly generate Vagrant configuration files and easily set up your development environment.