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284 lines (181 loc) · 9.38 KB

File metadata and controls

284 lines (181 loc) · 9.38 KB


Version License Platform


DNSPageView is a light-weight and intuitive PageView framework. It could be initialized programmatically or by storyboard or xib, titleView and contentView are flexible to be layed out anywhere. It also provides some commonly used styles which could be easily configured.

NOTE: Please refer to DNSPageView-ObjC for Objective-C version


  • Easy to Use
  • Multiple Ways to Initialize
  • Flexible Layout
  • Commonly Used Styles
  • Double Tap titleView Callback
  • contentView Scroll Listener


  • iOS 8.0+

  • Xcode 10.0+

  • Swift 5.0+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.1+ is required to build DNSPageView.

To integrate DNSPageView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'DNSPageView'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate DNSPageView into your project manually.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run DNSPageView.xcodeproj .


Initialize with PageView

// Create PageStyle
let style = PageStyle()
style.isTitleScrollEnable = true
style.isScaleEnable = true

// Setup titles
let titles = ["头条", "视频", "娱乐", "要问", "体育" , "科技" , "汽车" , "时尚" , "图片" , "游戏" , "房产"]

// Setup child controller for each title
let childViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = { _ -> ContentViewController in
    let controller = ContentViewController()
    controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.randomColor
    return controller

let size = UIScreen.main.bounds.size

// Setup PageView and its frame
// titleView and contentView are connected
let pageView = PageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 64, width: size.width, height: size.height), style: style, titles: titles, childViewControllers: childViewControllers)

Initialize from xib or storyboard

Creat two UIView in Xib or storyboard, make them inherit from PageTitleView and PageContentView, drag them into controller class

@IBOutlet weak var titleView: PageTitleView!

@IBOutlet weak var contentView: PageContentView!

Setup PageTitleView and PageContentView

// Create PageStyle
let style = PageStyle()
style.titleViewBackgroundColor =
style.isShowCoverView = true

// Setup titles
let titles = ["头条", "视频", "娱乐", "要问", "体育"]

// Setup staring index
let startIndex = 2

// Setup titleView
titleView.titles = titles = style
titleView.currentIndex = startIndex

// At last, setupUI()

// Create child controller for each title
let childViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = { _ -> ContentViewController in
    let controller = ContentViewController()
    controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.randomColor
    return controller

// Setup contentView
contentView.childViewControllers = childViewControllers
contentView.startIndex = startIndex = style

// Call setupUI()

// Setup delegate
titleView.delegate = contentView
contentView.delegate = titleView

Initialize from PageViewManager,then setup titleView and contentView layout

Create PageViewManager

private lazy var pageViewManager: PageViewManager = {
    // Create PageStyle
    let style = PageStyle()
    style.isShowBottomLine = true
    style.isTitleScrollEnable = true
    style.titleViewBackgroundColor = UIColor.clear

    // Setup titles
    let titles = ["头条", "视频", "娱乐", "要问", "体育"]

    // Setup child controller for each title
    let childViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = { _ -> ContentViewController in
        let controller = ContentViewController()
        controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.randomColor
        return controller

    return PageViewManager(style: style, titles: titles, childViewControllers: childViewControllers)

Setup layout of titleView and contentView

// Setup titleView's frame
navigationItem.titleView = pageViewManager.titleView
pageViewManager.titleView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 180, height: 44)

// Setup contentView's size and position with either autolayout or frame
let contentView = pageViewManager.contentView
contentView.snp.makeConstraints { (maker) in


PageStyle provides some commonly used styles. You can also configure it as your needs, e.g. setup starting index.

Event Callbacks

DNSPageView provides common optional delegate functions, which are optional property in PageTitleViewDelegate

/// DNSPageView event callback, if necessary, let the corresponding childViewController comply with this protocol
@objc public protocol PageEventHandleable: class {
    /// Call after repeatedly clicking pageTitleView
    @objc optional func titleViewDidSelectSameTitle()
    /// When the previous page of pageContentView disappears, the corresponding controller of the previous page call
    @objc optional func contentViewDidDisappear()
    /// When the page ContentView scroll stops, the corresponding controller of the current page call
    @objc optional func contentViewDidEndScroll()



  • style.isTitleViewScrollEnabled

    If there are fewer titles, it is recommended to set style. isTitleViewScrollEnabled = false, titleView will be fixed, style. titleMargin will not work. Each title equals the width of the entire titleView, and the width of the underline equals the width of the title. If there are more labels, it is recommended to set style. isTitleViewScrollEnabled = true, titleView will slide, and the width of the underline will vary with the width of the title text.

  • The width of the underline of the title follows the width of the text

    Setting style. isTitleViewScrollEnabled = true refers to the fourth style in Demo

  • Since DNSPageView is based on UIScrollView, some of its features are unavoidable:

    • When the controller is managed by UINavigationController and navigationBar. isTranslucent = true, the view of the current controller is laid out from y = 0, so in order to prevent some content from being blocked by navigationBar, the system will add offset to UIScrollView by default. If you want to cancel this feature:

      • Prior to iOS 11, set automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false in the controller
      • After iOS 11, the concept of SafeArea was introduced, set the UIScrollView property contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = never
      • In fact, this effect is also related to other attributes of UIViewController, but because the scenarios of various combinations are too complex, they are not described here one by one
    • PageContentView is implemented with UICollectionView, so this feature has the opportunity to cause the classic warning of UICollectionView:

      The behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because: the item height must be less than the height of the UICollectionView minus the section insets top and bottom values, minus the content insets top and bottom values.

    • The above is just one of the possible Bugs. Because Demo can not cover all scenarios, different layout requirements may lead to different Bugs. Developers need to clearly understand their layout requirements, pay attention to details, understand the layout characteristics of iOS, and make corresponding adjustments, so they can not refer to Demo completely.


DNSPageView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.