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goSpider is a Go library for automating web navigation and data extraction using the chromedp package. It supports actions like fetching HTML content, clicking buttons, filling forms, handling alerts, interacting with various web elements.


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goSpider Navigation Library

This Go library provides functions to navigate websites and retrieve information using chromedp. It supports basic actions like fetching HTML content, clicking buttons, filling forms, handling alerts, and more complex interactions such as dynamically loaded content.


To use this library, you need to install:

go get
go get


Importing the Library First, import the library in your Go project:

import "DanielFillol/goSpider"

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the library: If you need a more complete example of use, please take a look on this project

package main

import (

func main() {
	users := []goSpider.Requests{
		{SearchString: "1017927-35.2023.8.26.0008"},
		{SearchString: "0002396-75.2013.8.26.0201"},
		{SearchString: "1551285-50.2021.8.26.0477"},
		{SearchString: "0015386-82.2013.8.26.0562"},
		{SearchString: "0007324-95.2015.8.26.0590"},
		{SearchString: "1545639-85.2023.8.26.0090"},
		{SearchString: "1557599-09.2021.8.26.0090"},
		{SearchString: "1045142-72.2021.8.26.0002"},
		{SearchString: "0208591-43.2009.8.26.0004"},
		{SearchString: "1024511-70.2022.8.26.0003"},

	numberOfWorkers := 1
	duration := 0 * time.Millisecond

	results, err := goSpider.ParallelRequests(users, numberOfWorkers, duration, Crawler)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Expected %d results, but got %d, List results: %v", len(users), 0, len(results))

	log.Println("Finish Parallel Requests!")


func Crawler(d string) (*html.Node, error) {
	url := ""
	nav := goSpider.NewNavigator("", true)

	err := nav.OpenURL(url)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("OpenURL error: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	err = nav.CheckRadioButton("#interna_NUMPROC > div > fieldset > label:nth-child(5)")
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("CheckRadioButton error: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	err = nav.FillField("#nuProcessoAntigoFormatado", d)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("filling field error: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	err = nav.ClickButton("#botaoConsultarProcessos")
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("ClickButton error: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	err = nav.WaitForElement("#tabelaUltimasMovimentacoes > tr:nth-child(1) > td.dataMovimentacao", 15*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("WaitForElement error: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	pageSource, err := nav.GetPageSource()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("GetPageSource error: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	return pageSource, nil


Functions Overview

  • NewNavigator(profilePath string, headless bool) *Navigator Creates a new instance of the Navigator struct, initializing a new ChromeDP context and logger. profilePath: the path to chrome profile defined by the user;can be passed as an empty string headless: if false will show chrome UI
nav := goSpider.NewNavigator()
  • Close() Closes the Navigator instance and releases resources.
  • OpenNewTab(url string) error Opens a new browser tab with the specified URL.
err := nav.OpenNewTab("")
  • OpenURL(url string) error Opens the specified URL in the current browser context.
err := nav.OpenURL("")
  • GetCurrentURL() (string, error) Returns the current URL of the browser.
currentURL, err := nav.GetCurrentURL()
  • Login(url, username, password, usernameSelector, passwordSelector, loginButtonSelector string, messageFailedSuccess string) error Logs into a website using the provided credentials and selectors.
err := nav.Login("", "username", "password", "#username", "#password", "#login-button", "Login failed")
  • CaptureScreenshot() error Captures a screenshot of the current browser window and saves it as screenshot.png.
err := nav.CaptureScreenshot()
  • GetElement(selector string) (string, error) Retrieves the text content of an element specified by the selector.
text, err := nav.GetElement("#elementID")
  • WaitForElement(selector string, timeout time.Duration) error Waits for an element specified by the selector to be visible within the given timeout.
err := nav.WaitForElement("#elementID", 5*time.Second)
  • ClickButton(selector string) error Clicks a button specified by the selector.
err := nav.ClickButton("#buttonID")
  • ClickElement(selector string) error Clicks an element specified by the selector.
err := nav.ClickElement("#elementID")
  • CheckRadioButton(selector string) error Selects a radio button specified by the selector.
err := nav.CheckRadioButton("#radioButtonID")
  • UncheckRadioButton(selector string) error Unchecks a checkbox specified by the selector.
err := nav.UncheckRadioButton("#checkboxID")
  • FillField(selector string, value string) error Fills a field specified by the selector with the provided value.
err := nav.FillField("#fieldID", "value")
  • ExtractTableData(selector string) ([]map[int]map[string]interface{}, error) Extracts data from a table specified by the selector.
tableData, err := nav.ExtractTableData("#tableID")
  • ExtractDivText(parentSelectors ...string) (map[string]string, error) Extracts text content from divs specified by the parent selectors.
textData, err := nav.ExtractDivText("#parent1", "#parent2")
  • FetchHTML(url string) (string, error) Fetches the HTML content of the specified URL.
htmlContent, err := nav.FetchHTML("")
  • ExtractLinks() ([]string, error) Extracts all links from the current page.
links, err := nav.ExtractLinks()
  • FillForm(formSelector string, data map[string]string) error Fills out a form specified by the selector with the provided data and submits it.
formData := map[string]string{
    "username": "myUsername",
    "password": "myPassword",
err := nav.FillForm("#loginForm", formData)
  • HandleAlert() error Handles JavaScript alerts by accepting them.
err := nav.HandleAlert()
  • SelectDropdown(selector, value string) error Selects an option in a dropdown specified by the selector and value.
err := nav.SelectDropdown("#dropdownID", "optionValue")
  • FindNodes(node *html.Node, nodeExpression string) ([]*html.Node, error) extracts nodes content from nodes specified by the parent selectors
nodeData, err := goSpider.FindNode(pageSource,"#parent1")
  • ExtractText(node *html.Node, nodeExpression string, Dirt string) (string, error)
textData, err := goSpider.ExtractText(pageSource,"#parent1", "\n")
  • func ExtractTable(pageSource *html.Node, tableRowsExpression string) ([]*html.Node, error)
tableData, err := goSpider.ExtractTableData(pageSource,"#tableID")
  • ParallelRequests(requests []Requests, numberOfWorkers int, duration time.Duration, crawlerFunc func(string) (map[string]string, []map[int]map[string]interface{}, []map[int]map[string]interface{}, error)) ([]ResponseBody, error) Performs web scraping tasks concurrently with a specified number of workers and a delay between requests. The crawlerFunc parameter allows for flexibility in defining the web scraping logic. Parameters: requests: A slice of Requests structures containing the data needed for each request. numberOfWorkers: The number of concurrent workers to process the requests. duration: The delay duration between each request to avoid overwhelming the target server. crawlerFunc: A user-defined function that takes a process number as input and returns cover data, movements, people, and an error.
	users := []goSpider.Requests{
		{SearchString: "1017927-35.2023.8.26.0008"},
		{SearchString: "0002396-75.2013.8.26.0201"},
		{SearchString: "1551285-50.2021.8.26.0477"},
		{SearchString: "0015386-82.2013.8.26.0562"},
		{SearchString: "0007324-95.2015.8.26.0590"},
		{SearchString: "1545639-85.2023.8.26.0090"},
		{SearchString: "1557599-09.2021.8.26.0090"},
		{SearchString: "1045142-72.2021.8.26.0002"},
		{SearchString: "0208591-43.2009.8.26.0004"},
		{SearchString: "1024511-70.2022.8.26.0003"},

	numberOfWorkers := 1
	duration := 0 * time.Millisecond

	results, err := goSpider.ParallelRequests(users, numberOfWorkers, duration, Crawler)
  • EvaluateParallelRequests(previousResults []PageSource, crawlerFunc func(string) (*html.Node, error), evaluate func([]PageSource) ([]Request, []PageSource)) ([]PageSource, error) EvaluateParallelRequests iterates over a set of previous results, evaluates them using the provided evaluation function, and handles re-crawling of problematic sources until all sources are valid or no further progress can be made. Parameters:
    • previousResults: A slice of PageSource objects containing the initial crawl results.
    • crawlerFunc: A function that takes a string (URL or identifier) and returns a parsed HTML node and an error.
    • evaluate: A function that takes a slice of PageSource objects and returns two slices:
      1. A slice of Request objects for sources that need to be re-crawled.
      2. A slice of valid PageSource objects. Returns:
    • A slice of valid PageSource objects after all problematic sources have been re-crawled and evaluated.
    • An error if there is a failure in the crawling process. Example usage:
 results, err := EvaluateParallelRequests(resultsFirst, Crawler, Eval)

	func Eval(previousResults []PageSource) ([]Request, []PageSource) {
		var newRequests []Request
		var validResults []PageSource

		for _, result := range previousResults {
			_, err := extractDataCover(result.Page, "")
			if err != nil {
				newRequests = append(newRequests, Request{SearchString: result.Request})
			} else {
				validResults = append(validResults, result)

		return newRequests, validResults
  • func LoginWithGoogle(email, password string) error performs the Google login on The email and password are required for loggin and the 2FA code is passed on prompt.
err := nav.LoginWithGoogle("yor_login", "your_password")


goSpider is a Go library for automating web navigation and data extraction using the chromedp package. It supports actions like fetching HTML content, clicking buttons, filling forms, handling alerts, interacting with various web elements.








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