X# is a HLA (High Level Assembler) for X86/X64 assembly. In the future other flavors for ARM and other processors are planned.
X# is integrated into Visual Studio and we are working on support for Visual Studio Code as well. X# can also be used using simple text editors such as notepad.
X# creates NASM style assembly ready to assemble with NASM.
Currently X# is used by the C# Open Source Managed Operating System (COSMOS) and parts of it are bound to Cosmos. We are in the process of and nearly finished separating out X# to allow it to operate as a stand alone project to allow users to make their own custom creations using X#.
We have physicallly separated out X# and checked it in here. However there are still a few hard coded links to Cosmos and there is no independent documentation yet, nor are there standalone samples. We are working all of these issues.
namespace DebugStub
var .DebugWaitMsg = 'Waiting for debugger connection...'
! %ifndef Exclude_Memory_Based_Console
const VidBase = $B8000
function Cls {
ESI = #VidBase
// End of Video Area
// VidBase + 25 * 80 * 2 = B8FA0
while ESI < $B8FA0 {
// Text
ESI[0] = $00
// Colour
ESI[0] = $0A
function DisplayWaitMsg {
ESI = @..DebugWaitMsg
EDI = #VidBase
// 10 lines down, 20 cols in (10 * 80 + 20) * 2)
EDI + 1640
// Read and copy string till 0 terminator
while byte ESI[0] != 0 {
AL = ESI[0]
EDI[0] = AL
EDI + 2
! %endif
; Generated at 14-6-2016 12:37:38
DebugWaitMsg db 87, 97, 105, 116, 105, 110, 103, 32, 102, 111, 114, 32, 100, 101, 98, 117, 103, 103, 101, 114, 32, 99, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 46, 46, 46, 0
%ifndef Exclude_Memory_Based_Console
DebugStub_Const_VidBase equ 753664
mov dword ESI, DebugStub_Const_VidBase
cmp dword ESI, 0xB8FA0
JNB near DebugStub_Cls_Block1_End
mov dword [ESI], 0x0
inc dword ESI
mov dword [ESI], 0xA
inc dword ESI
Jmp DebugStub_Cls_Block1_Begin
mov dword [static_field__Cosmos_Core_INTs_mLastKnownAddress], DebugStub_Cls_Exit
mov dword ESI, DebugWaitMsg
mov dword EDI, DebugStub_Const_VidBase
add dword EDI, 0x668
cmp byte [ESI], 0x0
JE near DebugStub_DisplayWaitMsg_Block1_End
mov byte AL, [ESI]
mov byte [EDI], AL
inc dword ESI
add dword EDI, 0x2
Jmp DebugStub_DisplayWaitMsg_Block1_Begin
mov dword [static_field__Cosmos_Core_INTs_mLastKnownAddress], DebugStub_DisplayWaitMsg_Exit