Go to one of your favorite websites. Open up the console and –using only JavaScript– manipulate DOM. Try and make it unrecognizable, but cool.
Build a website (html & js) that accepts user input.
The program should generate a random number between 1 & 100 in memory.
When the user inputs a number, it should tell the user if the number they entered is too high, too low, or the exact number.
When the user enters the exact number, it should alert "You win!"
Create a browser-based, single-player version of Rock Paper Scissors. The "computer" should pick a random move each turn. Keep a score counter somewhere on the page. Don't worry about styling until you're done with the logic.
This is an exercise in:
- JS Events
- DOM Manipulation
- Problem Solving
Bonus: If you finish rock paper scissors, make rock paper scissors lizard spock. I want to see the messages about what beats what!