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What the hell am I?

I'm a simple XML syntax parser. Not a real XML parser. Nothing to do with DTD's.
Really speaking, what we do here is not XML. If it's anything it's a DDL (Data
Description Language).

In short the base syntactical rules are the same as XML, giving us a
hierarchical file-structure of key-value pairs (just like the Windows(tm)
registry). As a bonus, it's human-readable, and human editable as well as
being a doddle to handle programmatically

This lends itself very nicely to configuration files, and that's _exactly_
what we're doing here.

** Warning **
Just at the moment, I'm not supporting:

* XML empty tags (I did, but I'm not right now)
	- Update: empty tags are back
* Spaces,tabs,carriage returns, line-feeds inside entities (just because)
	- Update: I'm now supporting whitespace within the entity, but not
		leading or trailing whitespace
* modifiers inside tags (eg: <something mod1="blah" colour="blue"> )
  (and honestly, I'm not at all sure what we would do with them if we supported
   them anyway)