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367 lines (290 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

367 lines (290 loc) · 14.3 KB

Allas-UI Changes


The changes explained below were made in order to remove the encryption in the upload process and decryption in the download process, as well as the cryptographic headers as all are unnecessary for the Allas UI interface. Any other changes made are also detailed.

swift-browser-ui is the base repository and all the changes made for the Allas-UI are as follows:

WebAssembly (C)

  1. The folder $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/wasm/src that included all the c files and the header files was removed. The folder $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/wasm/test that included all the tests for those c functions was removed as well.

  2. Makefile Modification: This is the modified makefile

    all: upload download
    upload: build/upworker.js build/upworker.wasm
    download: build/downworker.js build/downworker.wasm
       emcc -O3 \
          -s WASM=1 \
          -s TOTAL_MEMORY=268435456 \
          -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 \
          -s ASSERTIONS=1 \
          -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 \
          -o $@ \
          --post-js build/upworker-post.js \
          --pre-js js/crypt-pre.js
       emcc -O3 \
          -s WASM=1 \
          -s TOTAL_MEMORY=268435456 \
          -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 \
          -s ASSERTIONS=1 \
          -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 \
          -o $@ \
          --post-js build/downworker-post.js \
          --pre-js js/crypt-pre.js
       rm -rf build

Upload (Encryption)

WebAssembly (JavaScript)


This file has been modified to remove the encryption in the upload process. Changes described as follows:

  1. Changes in createUploadSession() Function: The function calls to the c functions read_in_recv_keys_path(), wrap_chunk_content() and wrap_chunk_len() were removed.

  2. Removed createUploadSessionFile() and encryptChunk() Functions: createUploadSessionFile() was responsible for creating a file header using encryption keys and session information. encryptChunk() was responsible for encrypting a single chunk of an upload. Both are not longer needed.

  3. Changes in StreamSlicer Class:

    • Removed the call to encryptChunk() in the getChunk() function.
    • Return return new Uint8Array(enBuffer); in the getChunk() function directly return the chunk without encryption.
    • Removed the call to free_crypt4gh_session_key() in the finishFile() function.
  4. Changes in openWebSocket() Function: Function calls to waitAsm() and libinit() removed.

  5. Changes in addFiles Function:

    • Removed the .c4gh extension from the path variable.
    • Removed the call to createUploadSessionFile() function.
    • Removed the data property from the msg object in the loop, indicating that the file header data is no longer sent as part of the message. Instead of "add_header" command, the command "start_upload" is sent to initiate the upload process.
      let msg = {
      command: "start_upload",
      container: container,
      object: path,
      name: uploads[container].projectName,
      total: totalBytes,

Back-End (Python)


In the handle_upload_ws() function the command "add_header" was chnaged to "start_upload" to work with the change mentioned in the addFiles() function.

# Open msgpack and handle message
            msg_unpacked: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = msgpack.unpackb(

            if msg_unpacked["command"] == "start_upload":
               await upload_session.handle_begin_upload(msg_unpacked)
            if msg_unpacked["command"] == "add_chunk":
               await upload_session.handle_upload_chunk(msg_unpacked)
            if msg_unpacked["command"] == "add_chunks":
               await upload_session.handle_upload_chunks(msg_unpacked)
            if msg_unpacked["command"] == "cancel":
               await upload_session.handle_close()
            if msg_unpacked["command"] == "finish":
               await upload_session.handle_finish_upload(msg_unpacked)
      except ValueError:
            LOGGER.error("Received an empty message.")
      except msgpack.exceptions.ExtraData:
            LOGGER.error("Extra data in message.")
      except msgpack.exceptions.FormatError:
            LOGGER.error("Incorrectly formatted message.")
  1. In the handle_begin_upload() function the last line

    await self.uploads[container][path].add_header(bytes(msg["data"]))

    was changed to

    await self.uploads[container][path].init_upload()
  2. The init_upload() function is basically the old add_header() function without the encryption header part.

    async def init_upload(self) -> None:
          """Initialize the upload."""
          if (
                not await self.a_create_container()
                and self.socket is not None
                and not self.socket.closed
                await self.socket.send_bytes(
                            "command": "abort",
                            "container": self.container,
                            "object": self.path,
                            "reason": "Could not create or access the container.",
                self.failed = True
          self.tasks = [
                for i in range(0, self.total_segments)
          await self.start_upload()

Download (Decryption)

WebAssembly (JavaScript)


This file has been modified to remove the decryption in the download process. Changes described as follows:

  1. let libinitDone = true; was changed to true and the calls to waitAsm() and libinit() (at the end of the file) were removed.

  2. Changes in createDownloadSession() Function:

  • The function calls to the c functions create_keypair() and get_keypair_public_key() were removed.
  • keypair and pubkey properties removed from the downloadsp[id] object.
  1. Changes in createDownloadSessionFile() Function:
  • The function call to get_session_key_from_header() was removed.
  • key property in downloads[id].files[path] was set to 0 since no decryption will be used.
  • removed header decryption related code.
  • return true always return true since decryption is not needed.
    // Add a file to the download session
    function createDownloadSessionFile(id, container, path, header, url, size) {
    if (checkPollutingName(path)) return;
    let headerPath = `header_${container}_`
       + Math.random().toString(36)
       + Math.random().toString(36);
    downloads[id].files[path] = {
       key: 0, // Set key to 0 since no decryption will be used
       url: url,
       size: getFileSize(size, 0),
       realsize: getFileSize(size, 0),
    return true; // Always return true since decryption is not needed
  1. Removed decryptChunk() Function: decryptChunk() was responsible for decrypting a single chunk of a download. Not longer needed.

  2. Changes in FileSlicer Class:

  • In the concatFile() function the concatination of the headers decryption functions were removed.
  • The sliceFile() function was changed and modified.
    async sliceFile() {
       // Get the first chunk from stream
       await this.getStart();
       // Slice the file and write content to output
       while (!this.done) {
          if (aborted) return;
          await this.getSlice();
          if (this.output instanceof WritableStream) {
          // Write the contents directly in the file stream if
          // downloading to File System
          if (this.bytes > 0) {
             await this.output.write(new Uint8Array(this.enChunkBuf.subarray(0, this.bytes)));
          } else {
          // Otherwise queue to the streamController since we're using a
          // ServiceWorker for downloading
          while(this.output.desiredSize <= 0) {
             await timeout(10);
          if (this.bytes > 0) {
          this.output.enqueue(new Uint8Array(this.enChunkBuf.subarray(0, this.bytes)));
       // Round up to a multiple of 512, because tar
       await this.padFile();
       return true;
  1. Changes in finishDownloadSession() Function: The call to free_keypair() was removed.

  2. Changes in beginDownloadInSession() Function:

  • Changed let path = file.replace(".c4gh", ""); to let path = file;.
  • Changed the slicer instance logic
    const slicer = new FileSlicer(
       let res;
       // Always use concatFile since there's no decryption key
       res = await slicer.concatFile().catch(() => {
          return false;
       if (!res) {
          if (!aborted) startAbort(!inServiceWorker, "error");
          await abortDownload(id, fileStream);
  1. Changes in addEventListener() Function:
  • In every call to createDownloadSession() function when postMessage() function is called, pubkey: downloads[].pubkey was removed from every call.

Console Log PUT 502 (Missing Public Key) error

While pressing the Download button. In the browser's console log this error was received:

Screenshot from 2024-06-06 08-57-31

In order to solve that error I have made these changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui/common/ in the put_whitelist_key() function

async def put_whitelist_key(
      self, project: str, flavor: str, public_key: bytes
   ) -> None:
      """Update the project's whitelisted key.

      :param project: Project ID
      :param flavor: Public key flavor: one of crypt4gh or ed25519
      :param public_key: Public key bytes
      await self._request(
               "flavor": flavor,
               "pubkey": 0,  # to resolve missing pubkey error

Removing "Advanced encryption options" from the Upload Front-End

As can be seen in the picture below the "Advanced excryption options" are not longer needed and were removed.

Screenshot from 2024-06-06 16-04-39

  1. Changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/common/lang.js: Under encrypt: both in the English and the Finnish languages multipleReceivers:, pubkey:, pubkeyLabel:, pubkeyError:, noRecipients:, addkey: and advancedOptions: were all removed.

  2. Changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/components/UploadModal.vue: Under id="accordion" this code was removed:

                   <h3 class="title is-6">
                      {{ $t('message.encrypt.multipleReceivers') }}
                      :valid="validatePubkey(addRecvkey) || addRecvkey.length === 0"
                      {{ $t("message.encrypt.addkey") }}
                   Footer options needs to be in CamelCase,
                   because csc-ui wont recognise it otherwise.
                      :footerOptions.prop="{hideDetails: true}"

Buckets instead of Folders, Added Bucket icon and File icon

Changes were made in these files:

  1. $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/common/bucketOverride.js File Created: All the necessary wording that will override the lang.js file when the toggle is pressed.

  2. Changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/components/BrowserMainNavbar.vue: Root icons are buckets, if the bucket is full there will be folder and file icons.

  3. Changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/components/ContainerTable.vue: Root icons are buckets, if the bucket is full there will be folder and file icons.

  4. Changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/components/ObjectTable.vue: Root icons are buckets, if the bucket is full there will be folder and file icons.

  5. Changes in $REPO/swift_browser_ui_frontend/src/components/CObjectTable.vue: Root icons are buckets, if the bucket is full there will be folder and file icons.

Own local npm package for color chnage (Dark blue)

  1. csc-ui local npm package added

  2. package.json change: using modified npm package -

  3. dockerfiles/Dockerfile-build-crypt Change: copies of the local csc-ui added