A basic example showing how to render a triangle.
An intermediate example showing how to render multiple textured meshes and ImGui integration.
A complex example demonstrating most of IGL features and rendering the Lumberyard Bistro mesh. Learn how to draw the rest of the owl.
RenderSessions use iglshell functionality that provides platfrom abstraction and basic application functionality. We provide some basic examples that you can use in your projects
An empty session. You can use it as a template for a new project
A basic session showing how to create a framebuffer
A basic session showing how to render a triangle
A basic session showing how to render a textured quad
A basic session showing how to use ImGUI with IGL
A basic session showing how to use multiple render targets feature
A basic session showing how to use 3D textures
A basic session showing how to use multiple render passes
And many more sessions are coming!