Configuration Guide | 中文介绍 | 中文教程
- Host your own RSS feeds on GitHub repo and GitHub Pages.
- Using ChatGPT to summarize your personalized RSS feeds.
- Aggregate multiple RSS feeds into one.
- Add filters to your own personalized RSS feeds.
Check out the for the latest changes.
- Fork this repo,uncheck the “only copy the main branch” option to fork both branches.
- Add Repository Secrets
- U_NAME: your GitHub username
- U_EMAIL: your GitHub email
- WORK_TOKEN: your GitHub personal access with
scope, get it from GitHub settings - OPENAI_API_KEY: your OpenAI API key, get it from OpenAI website
- Enable GitHub Actions to deploy GitHub Pages in repo settings
- Configure your RSS feeds in config.ini
You can check out here for a more detailed configuration guide.
These feeds on hosted in the rss/ directory of the auto-commit branch of this repo in order to separate the manually committed content from the automatically committed content for easier checking and merging updates to your repo. You can check out the for more details about this update on 2023-09-19.
The feeds are also on my GitHub Pages. Feel free to subscribe in your favorite RSS reader.
I will consider hosting more feeds in the future. Email me or submit an issue if there is any question using the script or any suggestions.