This is the host side of my Game Boy reader/writer.
Supported features are:
- Reading ROM
- Reading/Writing SRAM
- Writing ROM on flash Chinese cartridges
- Reading zipped ROM files to write
The code is written in Rust.
You can read more about how reprogramming Game Boy Chinese cartridge works in my blog post:
Gameboy cartridge read/writer
gb-rw-host [OPTIONS] --file <FILE> --mode <MODE>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-b, --baud <RATE> Set the baud rate [default: 1000000]
-d, --board <BOARD> Set the development board: generic, st [default: st]
-f, --file <FILE> Set the file to read/write for the cartridge ROM/RAM
-m, --mode <MODE> Set the operation mode: read_ROM, read_RAM, write_ROM, write_RAM
-s, --serial <DEVICE> Set the serial device [default: /dev/ttyACM0]
The code is released under the 3-clause BSD License.