Whisper Dart is a cross platform library for dart and flutter that allows converting audio to text / speech to text / inference from Open AI models
WIP Library Text To Speech From Suno AI's Bark in C/C++ for fast inference
free template opensource with minimal depends library flutter & dart
LLaMA (Language Learning for Machine Translation) adalah proyek riset yang diprakarsai oleh Facebook AI Research (FAIR) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas terjemahan mesin menggunakan pende…
Neural Text To Speech Di Dart Cepat Ringan Tanpa Koneksi Internet dan bisa berjalan di cpu
Application cross platform specta app untuk sumber belajar
Full Berbagai Payment Gateway Dalam 1 Library Bisa Di Berbagai Platform Flutter Dan Dart
AZKAGRAM Telegram Unnoficial Yang berfokus pada design + fitur yang tidak ada di Telegram Resmi
Record Widget Flutter realtime fast and efficient and can make automation To Video
Wip Full Open Source PAAS Platform As Services With Language Dart And Flutter Framework
App Realtime Chat Simple Fluttter With backend nodejs
Running Dart Edge Rest api on most platform (supabase, Cloudflare, vercel, netlify and more).
Telegram Bot General Multi Manage Group, Channel, Private
CPP Library for make program more easy with readable syntax
Library to edit video / audio / photo on server side and client side
Telegram Userbot Life Time Multi Client Support Repeat MEssage / Jaseb / Sebar List