Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr
For Users:
NEW: Stable module: DAV (WebDAV only for the moment)
NEW: Stable module "Skype" has been replaced with module "Social Networks" to support more services.
NEW: Stable module "Module Builder"
NEW: Stable module: Website
NEW: Experimental module "TakePos"
NEW: Experimental module "Ticket"
NEW: Experimental module "Data Privacy"
NEW: Experimental module "Email Collector"
NEW: Dolibarr can provide information in page title when multicompany is enabled of not, making
Android application like DoliDroid able to provide native features for multicompany module.
NEW: Compatibility with PHP 7.3 =>
NEW: Add admin page for modulebuilder
NEW: Add civility in list of members. Close #9251
NEW: Add configuration to disable "customer/prospect" thirdparty type
NEW: Add DAY_TEXT and MONTH_TEXT substitutions vars
NEW: Add due date column in payment lists
NEW: Add email in event history, for reminder email of expired subsription
NEW: Add event tab on resource record
NEW: Add FEC Export in accountancy
NEW: Add filter on staff range in list of thirdparties
NEW: Add a first complete template of website
NEW: Add format code into exported filename of ledger
NEW: Add link to inventory code
NEW: Add more common social networks fields for business
NEW: Add option PDF_DISABLE_MYCOMPANY_LOGO to disable logo on PDF
NEW: Add option to display thirdparty adress in combolist
NEW: Add option to swap sender/recipient address on PDF
NEW: Add option to display thirdparty adress in combolist
NEW: Add project on payment of salaries
NEW: Add somes hooks in bank planned entries
NEW: Add supplier ref in item reception page
NEW: Advanced permission to ignore price min
NEW: Allow to enter a timespent with a numeric value
NEW: Automatic position of scroll when creating an extrafield
NEW: Can add autorefresh=X in any URLs to refresh page after X seconds
NEW: can add project's task to agenda on create event form
NEW: Can delete a website in experimental website module
NEW: Can disable meteo on smartphone only
NEW: Can export/import a website template
NEW: Can filter on EEC, not EEC, etc... in binding step of accountancy
NEW: Can mix offset before and after with rules for due date of invoices
NEW: Can record the supplier product description
NEW: Can select several prospect level in thirdparty filter.
NEW: Can set 2 url in url field of thirdparty
NEW: Can set if a field is mandatory on form level.
NEW: Can set the default focus of each page.
NEW: Add category filter on user list
NEW: Change forgotten password link in general parameters
NEW: Child label of variants change if parent label changes
NEW: Compatibility with new Paybox HMAC requirement
NEW: Each user can set its prefered default calendar page
NEW: Enhancement in process to make manual bank conciliation
NEW: Enhancement in the generic file manager
NEW: Extrafield totalizable
NEW: hidden conf to search product by supplier ref
NEW: hidden constant to be able to use a thirdparty for donation
NEW: hidden option to define an invoice template for each invoice type
NEW: Highlight lines on lists when they are checked
NEW: Notification module support expense report+holiday validation and approval
NEW: On customer/supplier card, add simple tooltip to amount boxes
NEW: Page to check if the operations/items created between two dates have attached item(s) and possibility to download all attachements
NEW: possibility to add all rights of all modules in one time
NEW: redirect if only one result on global search on card
NEW: Permission to ignore price min
NEW: Can build an archive of full documents directory from backup page
NEW: tag odt line_product_ref_fourn for supplier doc lines
NEW: The binding step in accountancy has a country filter with autocompletion
NEW: Top menu is always on screen with MD theme.
NEW: Withdraw request massaction can include already partially paid invoices
NEW: Option "Simplify interface for blind persons"
NEW: Generic cash fence feature (compatible with several POS modules)
For developers:
NEW: Add lib for multiselect with checkboxes
NEW: Add function isValidMXRecord
NEW: Add hook changeRoundingMode in update_price
NEW: Add hook formconfirm to contractcard
NEW: Add hook for virtual stock
NEW: ADD url to see the last version of a external module
NEW: Can enable a module, even external module, from command line
NEW: Can set a tooltip help text on extrafields
NEW: Add product search from barcode via REST api
NEW: can add documents on agenda events using API REST
NEW: Can set the datestart and dateend of cron job into module descriptor
NEW: Close #9296 Add field ref_ext into llx_categorie
NEW: move ticket dictionary in API /setup
NEW: PHPUnitTest on Loan class #3163
NEW: Code changes to be more compatible with PSR2
NEW: Removed trigger USER_LOGOUT, USER_LOGIN, USER_LOGIN_FAILED (Some hooks are already dedicated for that)
NEW: Add agenda documents in API REST
NEW: Add "checked" field for new list engine compatibility
NEW: REST API improvements
NEW: Save external payment IDs into table of payment
NEW: triggers add commercial and del commercial
NEW: #9236 Allow to import shipment lines via API
NEW: ADD civility list in API
NEW: support selllist in the module builder
NEW: optional param to show a specific extrafield
NEW: hook formConfirm always called if hooked
NEW: hook on dispatch order fourn
Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better:
- If you use some links like viewimages.php?modulepart=mycompany&file=... in your external modules, you must
replace them with links like viewimages.php?modulepart=mycompany&file=logos/... (note that link change only for
modulepart=mycompany that now works like others). - Hidden option MAIN_PDF_SHIPPING_DISPLAY_AMOUNT_HT has been renamed into SHIPPING_PDF_DISPLAY_AMOUNT_HT
- Remove the no more used and deprecated dol_print_graph function
FIX: #3234
FIX: #6580
FIX: #8741
FIX: #9934
FIX: avoid Class 'AdherentType' not found
FIX: Can't create a thirdparty from member if customer code is mandatory.
FIX: Can't generate invoice pdf
FIX: contact/adress tab: when changing company ajax combo, the first contact change is not taken into account
FIX: Error generating ODT when option to use contact on doc on
FIX: Error reported when creation of thirdparty from member fails
FIX: filter on product category doesn't work
FIX: form actions: select_type_actions could be too small + bad init
FIX: fourn payment modes musn't be available on customer docs
FIX: Function updatePrice with wrong parameters
FIX: If we change customer/supplier rule we can't edit old thirdparty.
FIX: Interface regression for bind people. Fix option MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER
FIX: Lines are not inserted correctly if VAT have code
FIX: OppStatusShort doesn't exists
FIX: pdf typhon: order reference duplicate
FIX: propal pdf: missing parenthesis for customs code
FIX: Same on customer card
FIX: same on lines
FIX: Select first mail model by default
FIX: sql query performance on list_qualified_avoir_supplier_invoices.
FIX: task time screen: last fix was overkill
FIX: task time screen: prevent users with access to all project from assigning to tasks they're not allowed to do
FIX: use discount with multicurrency
FIX: Variable name
FIX: We want to be able to send PDF of paid invoices
FIX: When delete a product, llx_product_association rows are not deleted
FIX: wrong occurence number of contract on contact card, we must only count externals
FIX: #10030 better german chart
FIX: #10036
FIX: #10080 Supplier translations are in english
FIX: #10183 using backport of fix done in 9.0
FIX: #10218 Bad redirection after deleting a user or group
FIX: #3234
FIX: #6580
FIX: #8741
FIX: #9629 #9625
FIX: #9971
FIX: avoid Class 'AdherentType' not found
FIX: Can relaunch install on v8
FIX: Can't create a thirdparty from member if customer code is mandatory.
FIX: Can't delete a line of minimal stock per warehouse
FIX: check if "entity" is already defined in "$param"
FIX: contact/address tab issue when changing company
FIX: contact/adress tab: when changing company ajax combo, the first contact change is not taken into account
FIX: CVE-2018-19799
FIX: CVE-2018-19992
FIX: CVE-2018-19993
FIX: CVE-2018-19994
FIX: CVE-2018-19995 and CVE-2018-19998
FIX: Error reported when creation of thirdparty from member fails
FIX: export only prices of the current entity !
FIX: Extrafields on shipment module
FIX: filter on product category doesn't work
FIX: form actions: select_type_actions could be too small + bad $db init
FIX: form actions: select_type_actions could be too small + bad init
FIX: fourn payment modes musn't be available on customer docs
FIX: Function updatePrice with wrong parameters
FIX: hidden extrafield
FIX: if qty is 0
FIX: If we change customer/supplier rule we can't edit old thirdparty.
FIX: lang not loaded
FIX: Lines are not inserted correctly if VAT have code
FIX: marge sign
FIX: Method setValid not found
FIX: Migration do not create not used table
FIX: missing action "edit" for the hook
FIX: missing field "visible"
FIX: Missing last month on vat report per month
FIX: mode is only customer in stats fichinter
FIX: OppStatusShort doesn't exists
FIX: Remote ip detection was wrong with proxy (example: cloudflare)
FIX: Removed not use table
FIX: responsive
FIX: Same on customer card
FIX: same on lines
FIX: screen size fall
FIX: Select first mail model by default
FIX: slow SQL query on creating a new supplier invoice
FIX: sql query performance on list_qualified_avoir_supplier_invoices.
FIX: supplier order list keep socid
FIX: Same on customer card
FIX: same on lines
FIX: screen size fall
FIX: Select first mail model by default
FIX: slow SQL query on creating a new supplier invoice
FIX: sql query performance on list_qualified_avoir_supplier_invoices.
FIX: supplier order list keep socid
FIX: Vendor translations are in english
FIX: Warning: count()
FIX: We want to be able to send PDF of paid invoices
FIX: #9161
FIX: #9432
FIX: #9432 Assign yourself as a commercial when you don't have permission to see all thirds
FIX: #9510
FIX: #9567
FIX: According to french law, if seller is in France and buyer isn't in UE and isn't a company, TVA used = TVA product
FIX: Amount when using mutlicurrency on PDF
FIX: Backup of database without mysqladmin available from cron.
FIX: Bad label on delete button
FIX: bad link in notification
FIX: Bad position of hook formattachOptions call
FIX: Can't create shipping if have shipping line's extrafields
FIX: check !empty exclude select element
FIX: content lost when editing a label with "
FIX: correct migration of old postgresql unique key
FIX: credit note progression
FIX: default accounting accounts on loan creation #9643
FIX: Delete of draft invoice
FIX: deletion on draft is allowed if we are allwoed to create
FIX: Do not show check box if not applicable
FIX: exclude element of the select
FIX: extrafields of taks not visible in creation
FIX: filter on employee
FIX: invoice stats: situation invoices were not counted
FIX: keep external module element when adding resource
FIX: langs fr
FIX: Link template invoice to contract
FIX: Look and feel v8. Missing button "Create category"
FIX: Menu to show/edit Users categories was missing
FIX: missing name alias field in societe import/export #9091
FIX: missing symbol for indian rupies
FIX: Missing transaction around action
FIX: modify parenting before task deletion
FIX: nb of session in title
FIX: need to filter on current entity on replenish
FIX: number mailing for a contact with multicompany
FIX: Option for prof id mandatory not working with custom type of company
FIX: Pagination stats
FIX: pdf typhon: order reference duplicate
FIX: position 0 for emails templates
FIX: previous situation invoice selection
FIX: Product marge tabs on product card
FIX: Product margin tab and credit note
FIX: propal pdf: missing parenthesis for customs code
FIX: properties on proposal must not be modified if error
FIX: qty not visible for a lot when making shipment on a dedicated stock
FIX: Quick hack to solve pb of bad definition of public holidays
FIX: remain to pay for credit note was wrong on invoice list
FIX: replenish wasn't caring about supplier price min quantity #9561
FIX: Required extrafield value numeric should accept '0'
FIX: ressource list with extrafields
FIX: restore last seach criteria
FIX: Selection of addmaindocfile is lost on error
FIX: Sending of reminder for expired subscriptions
FIX: shared link ko on proposals
FIX: showOptionals: column mismatches
FIX: situation invoice total with credit note
FIX: situation invoice prev percent
FIX: special code on create supplier invoice from supplier order
FIX: Symbol of currency in substitution variables
FIX: The max size for upload file was not corectly shown
FIX: the member e-mail on resign and validation.
FIX: thirdparty property of object not loaded when only one record
FIX: title
FIX: Title problem on admin RSS module
FIX: Tooltip on invoice widget
FIX: Total of timespent
FIX: trackid into email sent from member module.
FIX: translation in select unit form
FIX: use discount with multicurrency
FIX: Variable name
FIX: When we delete a product, llx_product_association rows are not deleted
FIX: when we're just admin and not super admin, if we create new user with transverse mode, we don't see it then we can't add him in usergroup
FIX: wrong function name
FIX: wrong occurence number of contract on contact card, we must only count externals
FIX: wrong value for module part and return access denied
FIX: Wrong variable name
FIX: XSS vulnerability reported by Mary Princy E
FIX: #8984 button create expense report
FIX: #9032
FIX: #9161
FIX: #9328
FIX: According to french law, if seller is in France and buyer isn't in UE and isn't a company, TVA used = TVA product
FIX: Add calls to fetchComments function
FIX: better compatibility with multicompany
FIX: case when we valid form with keyboard
FIX: character making error on bill list
FIX: check !empty exclude select element
FIX: combo into popup become crazy with IE10
FIX: combo of stock in popup are crazy in IE
FIX: Deletion of files in migration
FIX: exclude element of the select
FIX: extrafieldkey
FIX: Fetch function will fetch comments
FIX: Fetch task will now fetch comments
FIX: filter supplier invoice list by societe name.
FIX: $fk_account is always empty, must be $soc->fk_account
FIX: Force stripe api version to avoid trouble if we update stripe api
FIX: getEntity project and not projet
FIX: Get templates in a forced language
FIX: global $mysoc missing (to avoid php notice on lines 279, 280 & 281)
FIX: Injection
FIX: invoice stats: situation invoices were not counted
FIX: keep context filter on contact list on change column displayed
FIX: Keep same project when creating shipping from order
FIX: langs fr
FIX: Lose filter on payment type or category after a sort on invoice list
FIX: Missing behavior
FIX: missing hook to edit sql
FIX: multicompany compatibility !
FIX: need to filter on current entity on replenish
FIX: page must always be 0 when we search (to avoid case : when we're on page 3 and we're looking for a precise thirdparty, we stay on page 3 and nothing's displaied)
FIX: Pagination on related item pages
FIX: Pagination on withdraw request list
FIX: PDF address: handle when contact thirdparty different from document thirdparty
FIX: PHP warning, undefined index notnull
FIX: Product marge tabs on product card
FIX: Product margin tab and credit note
FIX: propal: correctly preset project when creating with origin/originid
FIX: remain to pay for credit note was wrong on invoice list
FIX: remove debug
FIX: Remove fetchComments from project and task fetch function
FIX: remove rowid for multicompany compatibility
FIX: Search on Ref project on order list
FIX: search on ref project on propal list
FIX: showOptionals: column mismatches
FIX: SQL Injections reported by mu shcor (ADLab of Venustech)
FIX: stock replenish with multientity
FIX: table llx_chargessociales doesn't exists
FIX: we must see number of all shared projects
FIX: when stock is empty for current entity but > 0 in other entity, until this commit product wasn't displaied on replenishment, it must depends on multientity stock sharing
FIX: when we're just admin and not super admin, if we create new user with transverse mode, we don't see it then we can't add him in usergroup
FIX: wrong function name
FIX: Wrong position of firstname lastname
FIX: wrong value for module part and return access denied
FIX: Wrong variable and trigger name
FIX: #8762
FIX: #9032
FIX: case when we valid form with keyboard
FIX: clause must not be there
FIX: dol_delete_file must work in a context without db handler loaded
FIX: entity test must be on product_fourn_price table and not product table
FIX: Fetch shipping will now fetch project id
FIX: $fk_account is always empty, must be $soc->fk_account
FIX: getEntity project and not projet
FIX: If we enable 3 steps for supplier order approbation, we must not delete all fourn rights def.
FIX: Keep supplier proposal price for supplier order
FIX: langs fr
FIX: missing filters during reordering
FIX: need to filter on aa.entity for same accounting accounts available in several entities
FIX: page must always be 0 when we search (to avoid case : when we're on page 3 and we're looking for a precise thirdparty, we stay on page 3 and nothing's displaied)
FIX: PDF address: handle when contact thirdparty different from document thirdparty
FIX: propal: correctly preset project when creating with origin/originid
FIX: pu_ht_devise was not converted to numeric so decimals were lost when calculating total_ht_devise
FIX: remain to pay for credit note was wrong on invoice list
FIX: shipment: fk_proje(c)t not handled in fetch() and update() methods
FIX: showOptionals: column mismatches
FIX: sometimes amounts are identical but php find them different.
FIX: test is_erasable() must be done before call function delete() too to avoid delete invoice with &action=delete in url
FIX: we must see number of all shared projects
FIX: wrong var name
FIX: #8452
FIX: #9043
FIX: #9316 Error when listing invoices
FIX: #9317
FIX: #9353 Bug: html error - div inside span on graphs
FIX: #9355
FIX: #9393 inconsistency behaviour. option FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES
FIX: #9394
FIX: #9396
FIX: #9403
FIX: #9412
FIX: #9497
FIX: Add paypal error message in alert email when online payment fails.
FIX: better compatibility with multicompany
FIX: capital must be empty and not 0 if undefined
FIX: character making error on bill list
FIX: Entering negative price on order.
FIX: Expedition not showing extrafields on creation.
FIX: Homepage links were using wrong topmenus
FIX: inconsistency behaviour on option FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES
FIX: invert mime type and name.
FIX: invoice popup hide localtax2 and 3 if not defined.
FIX: Lose filter on payment type or category after a sort on invoice list.
FIX: Maxi debug to allow to load chart of account with multicompany.
FIX: Missing translation in predefined email to membership renewal.
FIX: Mixing tickets of different thirdparties.
FIX: "Other ..." link so the "Back to" link works.
FIX: PDF address: handle when contact thirdparty is different from thirdparty of document
FIX: Problems with permissions of module to record payment of salaries
FIX: remove debug
FIX: Several fixes on the management of minimal amount for orders
FIX: wrong var name
FIX: #9258
FIX: #9328
FIX: #9337
FIX: adding GROUP BY for PostgreSQL
FIX: API template for list pages in module builder
FIX: API template for record page to delete a record
FIX: a removed option was still in setup
FIX: badge on time spent on project and tasks
FIX: Delete file on smartphone
FIX: Fetch function will fetch comments
FIX: Fetch task will now fetch comments
FIX: $fk_account is always empty, must be $soc->fk_account
FIX: Force stripe api version to avoid trouble if we update stripe api
FIX: get_product_vat_for_country functions.lib.php
FIX: Get templates in a forced language
FIX: hook on dispatch order fourn
FIX: Language selection lost if error during creation of email template
FIX: Look and feel v8
FIX: propal.class.php
FIX: Add calls to fetchComments function
FIX: Remove fetchComments from project and task fetch function
FIX: remove internal property isextrafieldmanaged from API returns
FIX: sql error
FIX: table llx_chargessociales doesn't exists
FIX: trans on null object
FIX: vat rate code not returned by get_product_vat_for_country
FIX: warning for late template invoices to remove when suspended
FIX: Add hidden option MAIN_xxx_IN_SOURCE_ADDRESS to solve legal issues on PDF
FIX: Table llx_facture_rec_extrafields missing after migration
For Users:
NEW: Experimental module: Ticket
NEW: Experimental module: WebDAV
NEW: Accept anonymous events (no user assigned)
NEW: Accountancy - Add import on general ledger
NEW: Accountancy - Show journal name on journal page and hide button draft export (Add an option in admin)
NEW: Can create event from record card of a company and/or member
NEW: Add a button to create Stripe customer from the customer Payment mode tab
NEW: Add accounting account number on product tooltip
NEW: Add any predefined mail content
NEW: Add arrows to navigate into containers in experimental website module
NEW: Add a tab to specify accountant/auditor of the company
NEW: Add Date delivery and Availability on Propals List
NEW: Add date in goods reception supplier order table
NEW: Add delivery_time_days of suppliers in export profile
NEW: Add Documents'tab to expedition module
NEW: Use dol_print_phone in thirdparty list page to format phone
NEW: Add entry for the GDPR contact
NEW: Add extrafield type "html"
NEW: Add file number in accountant card and update export filename
NEW: Add files management on products lot
NEW: add filter on project task list
NEW: Add hidden option COMPANY_AQUARIUM_CLEAN_REGEX to clean generated
NEW: add internal stripe payment page for invoice
NEW: Add key USER_REMOTE_IP into available substitution variables
NEW: Add link between credit note invoice and origin
NEW: Add linked file tab to vat
NEW: add link to stripe's info in bank menu
NEW: Add margin filters
NEW: Add mass action enable/disable on cron job list
NEW: Add mass action on project's list to close projects
NEW: Add method to register distributed payments on invoices
NEW: Add multicurrency support for product buy price for supplier propales, orders and invoices
NEW: Add name of day in the timesheet input page per day.
NEW: add new parameters for tcpf encryption
NEW: add optional esign field in pdf propal
NEW: Add param $dolibarr_main_restrict_ip in config file to limit ips
NEW: add pdf function to check if pdf file is protected/encrypted
NEW: Add pdf template for stock/warehouse module
NEW: Add phone format for a lot of countries
NEW: Add product and product categories filters on customer margins
NEW: Add product categories filter on product margin
NEW: Add romanian chart of accounts
NEW: Add stats in salaries module
NEW: add stripe transaction
NEW: Add tab contact on supplier proposals
NEW: Add total of time spent in timespent page at top of page too.
NEW: Add triggers on ECM object and add fill src_object_type/id fields
NEW: Add type of website container/page into dictionary
NEW: advance target filtering can be used everywhere with tpl and fk_element
NEW: Allow negative quantity for dispatch (supplier order)
NEW: bank reconcile: checkbox to select all bank operations
NEW: Better performance with openldap
NEW: Can add filter actiontype and notactiontype on event ical export
NEW: Can add product in supplier order/invoice even w/o predefined price
NEW: cancel orders on massaction
NEW: Can crop image files attached in "document" tabs of a member
NEW: Can delete dir content in media and ECM module recursively
NEW: Can dispatch if more than ordered (if hidden option set)
NEW: Can edit the text color for title line of tables
NEW: Can enter time spent from the list of time spent of project
NEW: Can export leave requests
NEW: Can filter on account range in general ledger grouped by account
NEW: Can filter on country and taxid into the binding page
NEW: Can filter on progression in timesheet
NEW: Can fix the bank account of a payment if payment not conciliated
NEW: Can force usage of shared link for photo of products
NEW: Can get template of email from its label
NEW: Can see Unit Purchase Value of product in stock movement
NEW: Can select from the user list into send form email (For field to and CC)
NEW: Can select sample to use when creating a new page
NEW: can send mail from project card
NEW: Can set position of images in module tickets
NEW: Can set the reply-to into email sent
NEW: Can set the start/end date of service line in invoice templates
NEW: Can share any file from the "Document" tab.
NEW: Can sort on priority in task scheduler list
NEW: Can sort order of files in attach tab for leave and expensereport
NEW: Can use setValueFrom without user modification field
NEW: Cat set the encryption algorithm for extrafields of type password
NEW: check idprof1 for country pt
NEW: default add action: new param $backurlforcard to redirect to card
NEW: default warehouse field for products + prefill warehouses when dispatching supplier orders
NEW: Display price HT on all commercial area boards
NEW: display total on contract service list
NEW: display weight volume in proposal
NEW: Edit of extrafields position page on the edit form
NEW: Experimental DAV module provides a public and private directory
NEW: export filter models can be share or not by user
NEW: Externalsite module can accept iframe content.
NEW: Filter export model is now by user
NEW: generalize use of button to create new element from list
NEW: hidden conf AGENDA_NB_WEEKS_IN_VIEW_PER_USER to set nb weeks to show into per user view
NEW: hidden conf to assign category to thirdparty that are neither customer nor prospect or supplier
NEW: hidden conf to set nb weeks to show into user view
NEW: improve way of adding users/sales representative to thirdparty
NEW: Introduce option THIRDPARTY_QUICKSEARCH_ON_FIELDS to personalize fields use to search on quick search.
NEW: Introduce permission "approve" for "leave request" like for "expense report"
NEW: Load product data optional fields to the line -> enables to use "line_options_{extrafield}"
NEW: Look and feel v8 - Show Picto "+" on all links "Add record"
NEW: Look and feel v8: Use a different picto for delete and unlink
NEW: mail templates for projects
NEW: Module variant supported on services
NEW: monthly VAT report show "Claimed for the period" + "Paid during this
NEW: Mutualize code for action="update_extras"
NEW: On invoice card, show accounting account linked
NEW: Online payment of invoice and subscription record the payment
NEW: OnSearchAndListGoOnCustomerOrSupplierCard conf
NEW: Optimize load of hooks classes (save 1-5Kb of memory)
NEW: Option to force all emails recipient
NEW: Hidden option to send to salaries into emails forms
NEW: order minimum amount
NEW: add price in burger menu on mouvement list
NEW: Report a list of leave requests for a month
NEW: Section of files generated by mass action not visible if empty
NEW: send mails from project card
NEW: Show also size in bytes in tooltip if visible unit is not bytes
NEW: Show keyboard shortcut of nav arrow into tooltip
NEW: Show last result code of cron jobs in error in red
NEW: Show region in company info & Global option to show state code MAIN_SHOW_STATE_CODE
NEW: Show total number of records by category
NEW: Show total of time consumed in week in time spent entry page
NEW: Stripe online payments reuse the same stripe customer account
NEW: Suggest link to pay online for customer orders
NEW: supplier credit notes is now supported like for customer credit notes
NEW: supplier order/order lines export: add supplier product ref
NEW: supplier relative discounts
NEW: Support alternative aliases of page name in website
NEW: syslog file autoclean
NEW: thirdparty categ filter on lists
NEW: Use a css style for weekend in time spent
NEW: Use common substitution rule for language to get translation in ODT
NEW: Variable ONLINE_PAYMENT_URL available in email templates
For developers:
NEW: class reposition can also work on POST (not only GET)
NEW: add a hook in dol_print_phone
NEW: The field "visible" on extrafield can accept expression as condition
NEW: Upgrade of Stripe lib to 6.4.1
NEW: work on CommonObject 'array' field typeNew common object array
NEW: method Form::selectArrayFilter() + use in left menu search
NEW: [REST API] Add the possibility to remove a category from a thirdparty
NEW: doActions on categorycard
NEW: add "moreHtmlRef" hook
NEW: add hook for more permissions control
NEW: add hook moreHtmlStatus to complete to status on banners
NEW: Add hook printEmail
NEW: Add hook setContentSecurityPolicy
NEW: Add password_hash as a hash algorithm
NEW: Add dol_is_link function
NEW: Adds a contact to an invoice with REST API
NEW: Adds a payment for the list of invoices given as parameter
NEW: adds billing contacts ids to REST API returns
NEW: Add showempty parameter in country selection
NEW: add printUserListWhere hook
NEW: add "printUserPasswordField" hooks
NEW: Call to trigger on payment social contribution creation
NEW: Call to trigger on social contribution creation
NEW: hook getnomurltooltip is replaced with hook getNomUrl more powerfull
Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better:
- Remove old deprecated hook 'insertExtraFields'. Triggers must be used for action on CRUD events.
- Hook 'maildao' was renamed into 'mail' into the method sendfile that send emails, and method was renamed from
'doaction' into 'sendMail'. - Rename trigger CONTRACT_SERVICE_ACTIVATE into LINECONTRACT_ACTIVATE and
CONTRACT_SERVICE_CLOSE into LINECONTRACT_CLOSE - Remove triggers *_CLONE. The trigger CREATE with context 'createfromclone' is already called so this is
a duplicated feature. Cloning is not a business event, the business event is CREATE, so no trigger required. - PHP 5.3 is no more supported. Min...
Dolibarr 3.6.0 has been released
Version: 3.6.0 (List of other versions on page Category:RoadMap)
Release date: June 2014
Main focus (What developers has mainly worked on, but not only, so for full list of changes see the detailed ChangeLog):
- Should contains all tasks with priority 9 logged when previous version were released in task tracker
- Uniformizing of code and api for developers
- War against major missing and not stable features
Detailed Changelog:
***** ChangeLog for 3.6 compared to 3.5.* *****
For users:
- New: Update ckeditor to version 4.
- New: Add form "search customer order" on commercial main page.
- New: Can create contract from an order.
- New: Add list of orders products in tab "consumption" on thirdparties.
- New: Add graph stats for suppliers orders in tab "stats" on products.
- New: Add option MAIN_HIDE_INACTIVETAB_ON_PRINT to hide inactive tabs when you
use the "print" view on screen. - New: Add option MAIN_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_IN_PUBLIC_NOTES and MAIN_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_IN_PRIVATE_NOTES
to automatically add timestamp and user line into edition field when editing a note. - New: Add button cancel into edition of notes.
- New: Improved Barcode module:
Can input barcode during product creation step.
Add autonumbering of barcode value for products.
Add a page/tool for mass barcode generation. - New: Improved Opensurvey module:
Added options to disable comments and disable public votes.
Limit dates use calendar popup.
Description of survey use wysiwig editor.
More information shown on result tab.
Renamed "survey" into "poll" (better translation). - New: Add filter on text and status into survey list. Can also sort on id, text and date end.
- New: The box "balance of bank accounts" show all opened accounts.
- New: Add option MAIN_ADD_SALE_REP_SIGNATURE_IN_NOTE to add sale represnative into public
note of generated documents. - New: Add warning if supplier payment is higher that due amount.
- New: Increase length of url into bookmark module.
- New: Automatic events sending mails add info about linked objects into email content.
- New: Price management enhancement (multiprice level, price by customer, if MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL=2 Price by qty).
- New: Add option MAIN_FAVICON_URL.
- New: Created {line_price_ht_locale}, {line_price_vat_locale} and {line_price_ttc_locale} ODT tags.
- New: Add filter on project status into task list. By default, only "opened" project are visible.
- New: Status "validated" for project are renamed into "opened".
- New: Add barcode fields into user database.
- New: Add manager name (ceo, director, president...) into main company information page.
- New: Add field url as product properties.
- New: More options to create a credit note (can be filled autatically according to remain to pay).
- New: Can define custom fields for categories.
- New: Prepare generation of SEPA files into module withdrawal.
- New: [ task #1164 ] Add "Ref. supplier" search box in supplier orders
- New: [ task #1345 ] Can filter on status for supplier order.
- New: Add option FACTURE_SENDBYEMAIL_FOR_ALL_STATUS to allow to send invoice by email
whatever is its status. - New: Add filter date in bank writing list page.
- New: Extrafields can be used as substitution key %EXTRA_XXX% into emails texts for members.
- New: Add categories translation.
- New: Enable option "clone target emailing".
- New: Improved tax module: Add specific page for salaries payment
- New: Add composer.json file so Dolibarr can be publish onto
- New: The combo list of juridical status is now sorted
- New: [ task #926 ] Add extrafield feature on order lines.
- New: [ task #927 ] Add extrafield feature on Proposal lines.
- New: [ task #928 ] Add extrafield feature on invoice lines.
- New: Paypal/paybox email sent after backcall of a payment is now a formated and translated
HTML content. For member subscription renewal, there is also a link to member. - New: When a subscription is recorded with invoice and payment:
- the document (PDF) of invoice is also generated.
- the invoice is set to status paid.
- New: Can enter holiday for someone else if user has permission for.
- Fix: Project Task numbering customs rule works.
- Fix: Add actions events not implemented.
- Fix: Price min of composition is not supplier price min by quantity.
- Fix: [ bug #1356 ] Bank accountancy number is limited to 8 numbers.
- Fix: [ bug #1478 ] BILL_PAYED trigger action does not intercept failure under some circumstances
- Fix: [ bug #1479 ] Several customer invoice triggers do not intercept trigger action
- Fix: [ bug #1477 ] Several customer invoice triggers do not show trigger error messages
- Fix: [ bug #1471 ] Several PHP warnings when intercepting USER_CREATE trigger.
- Fix: [ bug #1517 ] Packages sizes.
- Fix: [ bug #1521 ] The second order's page from a provider shows all orders
For translators:
- Update language files.
For developers:
- New: Add path file of trigger into admin trigger list page.
- New: More phpunit tests.
- New: Payments and supplier payment pages tabs can now be extended from modules.
- New: Add option 'aZ' into GETPOST function to check parameters contains
only a to z or A to Z characters. - New: Opensurvey polls tab cards can now be extended from external modules.
- New: Add new hook function addMoreActionsButtons to allow a module to add/replace
action buttons into an element. - New: Normalize code for barcode generation to match other modules.
- New: Uniformize code for contacts forms.
- New: Add some hooks for financial reports.
- New: A module can add its own ECM view.
- New: A module can disable a standard ECM view.
- New: Add multilang support into product webservice.
- New: Add hooks on project card page.
WARNING: Following change may create regression for some external modules, but was necessary to make
Dolibarr better:
- The deprecated way (with 4 parameters) to declare a new tab into a module descriptor file has been
removed. You must now use the 6 parameters way. See file modMyModule.class.php for example. - Remove the javascript function ac_delay() that is not used anymore by core code.
- Properties "dictionnaries" into module descriptor files has been renamed into "dictionaries".
- Method form->select_currency() has been removed. Use instead print form->selectCurrency().
- Method form->select_methodes_commande() has been renamed into english name selectInputMethod().
- The following hooks are now 'addreplace' hooks: "formCreateThirdpartyOptions"
So check that return value is 0 to keep default standard behaviour after hook or 1 to disable
default standard behaviour. - Properties "civilite_id" were renamed into "civility_id".
- Remove add_photo_web() that is ot used anymore by core code.
[]( 3.6.0 has been