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P4 match kinds

The P4_16 language specification documents the existence of these match kinds:

  • exact
  • lpm
  • ternary

The open source v1model architecture adds these:

  • range
  • selector - used only for

This documentation for simple_switch gives some details about these match kinds, including restriction on lpm fields supported by simple_switch, and how one can write table entries for them in a P4_16 program using const entries:

This article documents the syntax to use for adding table entries using the simple_switch_CLI program:

In late 2019, some P4 developers have proposed adding the following new match kinds:

  • optional - similar to ternary, but with a restriction that the mask is either completely wildcard in every bit position, or completely exact match in ever bit position.
  • set - This is strictly more general than all other match kinds, in that it could be used to implement any of them. The control plane specifies a set of all individual values that they want to allow to match for the field in a search key, for a single table entry as specified by the P4Runtime API. An implementation might turn that into multiple hardware entries, but this can be viewed as an implementation detail, albeit an important one for those concerned with resource usage of table entries in the target device.

After some discussion in the P4 Language Design working group it was suggested that open source implementations be created in these repositories for the v1model architecture, in order to demonstrate how they can be implemented, and prove their usefulness:

As of February 2020, there are pull requests with proposed changes available to implement the addition of the optional match kind. Below is a list of them for reference, showing at least most of the places that would also require changes if someone wants to add the set match kind.

I have attempted to put them in order of dependency between them, with later ones depending upon earlier commits happening first. The PR for documentation changes does not have any code dependencies with the others, but it seems best to wait to publish the new documentation until after most or all of the implementation is ready.

In order to reduce the development effort required, the approach taken for optional was to reuse the existing ternary match kind for such fields in the BMv2 JSON files used as the output from the p4c compiler, and input to the behavioral-model simple_switch / simple_switch_grpc software switch. This savings of effort is not possible for the set match kind, so implementing set will thus require more changes to behavioral-model than the implementation of optional did.

For example, the BMv2 JSON file format had 0 changes made to it to support optional, because the simplifying choice was made to reuse ternary in the BMv2 JSON file whenever optional was used in the P4 source code. That is not possible for set, which requires a new match kind in the BMv2 JSON file, and code in behavioral-model to read that new match kind from the BMv2 JSON file, store it in the appropriate new in-memory data structures, and match on it when tables are searched.

There also needs to be new code in behavioral-model for the set match kind to handle adding and modifying table entries that have one or more fields with match kind set as a field in the search key.