Serves as a working prototype used to showcase the Gluecodium tool. The project is structured as follows:
├── platforms Example apps using generated sources and functional tests
│ ├── android Android related projects
│ │ ├── app Android example app
│ │ └── test Functional tests for generated Android library
│ ├── base_api C++ example app
│ └── ios iOS example app
├── libhello Example library that provides Gluecodium-generated public API
│ ├── lime LimeIDL interface definitions for the public API
│ └── src Example library implementation
└── scripts Usefule scripts
├── build-cpp Builds the entire project for C++ users
├── build-android Builds the entire project for Android users
└── build-swift Builds the entire project for Swift users
Invoke the following script to build the entire project for C++ users:
./scripts/build-cpp --buildGluecodium
Install artifacts end up in the dist/ folder and are ready for re-distribution.
To see all available options, run ./scripts/build-cpp --help
brew install cmake
brew install ninja
Then build Gluecodium, generate code and build the examples application using a script:
cd gluecodium/examples/
Open examples project gluecodium/examples/platforms/ios/hello_swift.xcodeproj
in Xcode and start the simulator.
If not already done, setup your Android development environment. The following environment variables are mandatory
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk # on mac: ~/Library/Android/sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=${ANDROID_HOME}/ndk-bundle
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools
You might want to put these into your .profile
Build Android example application:
cd gluecodium/examples/
./scripts/build-android --buildGluecodium
Once you run successfully the step above, it's possible to run the example Android app.
In order to do so, the easiest way is to open the example Android app project with Android Studio: go to File→Open and use this path: gluecodium/examples/platforms/android
Once the project is loaded, launch 'app' from the toolbar in the upper right corner.