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Badger Swarm

Runs distributed Badger Sett scans on Digital Ocean. Yes, a group of badgers is called a cete, but "swarm" just sounds better.


  1. Check out this repository
  2. Install doctl
  3. Authenticate doctl with DigitalOcean
  4. Copy settings.ini.sample to settings.ini
  5. Review the settings. At minimum, specify your Digital Ocean SSH key (see doctl compute ssh-key). For Droplet sizes and hourly prices, see doctl compute size list.
  6. To automatically merge results on completion, check out Badger Sett and Privacy Badger (at the same directory level as this repository) and then set up and activate a virtual environment for Badger Sett.
  7. Run ./ to initiate a new run.

Once you are told the run is resumable, you can stop the script with Ctrl-C and then later resume the in-progress run with ./ -r.


Badger Swarm converts a Badger Sett scan of X sites into N Badger Sett scans of X/N sites. This makes medium scans complete as quickly as small scans, and large scans complete in a reasonable amount of time.

Once a run is confirmed, scans get initialized in parallel. Each scan instance receives their portion of the site list.


[*] --> ConfirmRun

state fork1 <<fork>>
ConfirmRun --> fork1
fork1 --> BadgerInit1
fork1 --> BadgerInit2
fork1 --> BadgerInitN

state InitScans {
    cr1: CreateDroplet
    cr2: CreateDroplet
    cr3: CreateDroplet
    dep1: InstallDependencies
    dep2: InstallDependencies
    dep3: InstallDependencies
    sta1: StartScan
    sta2: StartScan
    sta3: StartScan

    state BadgerInit1 {
        [*] --> cr1
        cr1 --> dep1
        dep1 --> UploadSiteList1
        UploadSiteList1 --> sta1
        sta1 --> [*]
    state BadgerInit2 {
        [*] --> cr2
        cr2 --> dep2
        dep2 --> UploadSiteList2
        UploadSiteList2 --> sta2
        sta2 --> [*]
    state BadgerInitN {
        [*] --> cr3
        cr3 --> dep3
        dep3 --> UploadSiteListN
        UploadSiteListN --> sta3
        sta3 --> [*]

state join1 <<join>>
BadgerInit1 --> join1
BadgerInit2 --> join1
BadgerInitN --> join1

join1 --> [*]

The run is now resumable. Scans are checked for progress and status (errored/stalled/complete) in parallel.

  • If a scan fails, its instance is deleted and the scan gets reinitialized.
  • When a scan fails to progress long enough, it is considered stalled. Stalled scans get restarted, which mostly means they get to keep going after skipping the site they got stuck on.
  • When a scan finishes, the results are extracted and the instance is deleted.

This continues until all scans finish.


[*] --> PollForStatus

state fork2 <<fork>>
PollForStatus --> fork2
fork2 --> CheckBadgerScan1
fork2 --> CheckBadgerScan2
fork2 --> CheckBadgerScanN

state ManageInProgressScans {
    err1: CheckForFailure
    err2: CheckForFailure
    err3: CheckForFailure
    pro1: ExtractProgress
    pro2: ExtractProgress
    pro3: ExtractProgress
    sta1: CheckForStall
    sta2: CheckForStall
    sta3: CheckForStall

    state CheckBadgerScan1 {
        [*] --> err1
        err1 --> pro1
        pro1 --> sta1
        sta1 --> [*]
    state CheckBadgerScan2 {
        [*] --> err2
        err2 --> pro2
        pro2 --> sta2
        sta2 --> [*]
    state CheckBadgerScanN {
        [*] --> err3
        err3 --> pro3
        pro3 --> sta3
        sta3 --> [*]

state join2 <<join>>
CheckBadgerScan1 --> join2
CheckBadgerScan2 --> join2
CheckBadgerScanN --> join2

state check1 <<choice>>
join2 --> check1
check1 --> PrintProgress : One or more scans still running
check1 --> MergeResults : All scans finished

PrintProgress --> PollForStatus

MergeResults --> [*]

On completion scan results are merged by Privacy Badger as if each result was manually imported on the Manage Data tab on Privacy Badger's options page.