Runs distributed Badger Sett scans on Digital Ocean. Yes, a group of badgers is called a cete, but "swarm" just sounds better.
- Check out this repository
- Install
- Authenticate
with DigitalOcean - Copy
- Review the settings. At minimum, specify your Digital Ocean SSH key (see
doctl compute ssh-key
). For Droplet sizes and hourly prices, seedoctl compute size list
. - To automatically merge results on completion, check out Badger Sett and Privacy Badger (at the same directory level as this repository) and then set up and activate a virtual environment for Badger Sett.
- Run
to initiate a new run.
Once you are told the run is resumable, you can stop the script with Ctrl-C and then later resume the in-progress run with ./ -r
Badger Swarm converts a Badger Sett scan of X sites into N Badger Sett scans of X/N sites. This makes medium scans complete as quickly as small scans, and large scans complete in a reasonable amount of time.
Once a run is confirmed, scans get initialized in parallel. Each scan instance receives their portion of the site list.
[*] --> ConfirmRun
state fork1 <<fork>>
ConfirmRun --> fork1
fork1 --> BadgerInit1
fork1 --> BadgerInit2
fork1 --> BadgerInitN
state InitScans {
cr1: CreateDroplet
cr2: CreateDroplet
cr3: CreateDroplet
dep1: InstallDependencies
dep2: InstallDependencies
dep3: InstallDependencies
sta1: StartScan
sta2: StartScan
sta3: StartScan
state BadgerInit1 {
[*] --> cr1
cr1 --> dep1
dep1 --> UploadSiteList1
UploadSiteList1 --> sta1
sta1 --> [*]
state BadgerInit2 {
[*] --> cr2
cr2 --> dep2
dep2 --> UploadSiteList2
UploadSiteList2 --> sta2
sta2 --> [*]
state BadgerInitN {
[*] --> cr3
cr3 --> dep3
dep3 --> UploadSiteListN
UploadSiteListN --> sta3
sta3 --> [*]
state join1 <<join>>
BadgerInit1 --> join1
BadgerInit2 --> join1
BadgerInitN --> join1
join1 --> [*]
The run is now resumable. Scans are checked for progress and status (errored/stalled/complete) in parallel.
- If a scan fails, its instance is deleted and the scan gets reinitialized.
- When a scan fails to progress long enough, it is considered stalled. Stalled scans get restarted, which mostly means they get to keep going after skipping the site they got stuck on.
- When a scan finishes, the results are extracted and the instance is deleted.
This continues until all scans finish.
[*] --> PollForStatus
state fork2 <<fork>>
PollForStatus --> fork2
fork2 --> CheckBadgerScan1
fork2 --> CheckBadgerScan2
fork2 --> CheckBadgerScanN
state ManageInProgressScans {
err1: CheckForFailure
err2: CheckForFailure
err3: CheckForFailure
pro1: ExtractProgress
pro2: ExtractProgress
pro3: ExtractProgress
sta1: CheckForStall
sta2: CheckForStall
sta3: CheckForStall
state CheckBadgerScan1 {
[*] --> err1
err1 --> pro1
pro1 --> sta1
sta1 --> [*]
state CheckBadgerScan2 {
[*] --> err2
err2 --> pro2
pro2 --> sta2
sta2 --> [*]
state CheckBadgerScanN {
[*] --> err3
err3 --> pro3
pro3 --> sta3
sta3 --> [*]
state join2 <<join>>
CheckBadgerScan1 --> join2
CheckBadgerScan2 --> join2
CheckBadgerScanN --> join2
state check1 <<choice>>
join2 --> check1
check1 --> PrintProgress : One or more scans still running
check1 --> MergeResults : All scans finished
PrintProgress --> PollForStatus
MergeResults --> [*]
On completion scan results are merged by Privacy Badger as if each result was manually imported on the Manage Data tab on Privacy Badger's options page.