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Runs distributed Badger Sett scans on Digital Ocean.


  1. Check out this repository
  2. Install doctl
  3. Authenticate doctl with DigitalOcean
  4. Copy settings.ini.sample to settings.ini
  5. Review the settings. At minimum, specify your Digital Ocean SSH key (see doctl compute ssh-key). For Droplet sizes and hourly prices, see doctl compute size list.
  6. To automatically merge results on completion, check out Badger Sett and Privacy Badger (at the same directory level as this repository) and then set up and activate a virtual environment for Badger Sett.
  7. Run ./ to initiate a new run.

Once you are told the run is resumable, you can stop the script with Ctrl-C and then later resume the in-progress run with ./ -r.