Starred repositories
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file upload…
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
The classic email sending library for PHP
程序员如何优雅的挣零花钱,2.0版,升级为小书了。Most of this not work outside China , so no English translate
Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework
A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
❄️ A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.
firebase / php-jwt
Forked from luciferous/jwtPHP package for JWT
A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
PHP 5.x support for random_bytes() and random_int()
List of 127 languages for Laravel Framework, Laravel Jetstream, Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova, Laravel Spark and Laravel UI.
Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable
A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents
A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature
🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility. Building microservice or middleware with ease.
A small PHP library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use it when you don't want to expose your database ids to the user.
yii2 ( PHP ) fecmall(fecshop) core code used for ecommerce shop 多语言多货币多入口的开源电商 B2C 商城,支持移动端vue, app, html5,微信小程序微店,微信小程序商城等
An object oriented PHP driver for FFMpeg binary
The lightweight PHP database framework to accelerate the development.
微信公众平台php开发包, weixin developer SDK.
HTML and Form Builders for the Laravel Framework