This guide is made for Ubuntu. Little should change for other distros.
The box I used was an Ubuntu 16.04
Python3.6 or later is needed, as well as matching pip.
If you need to install a version above what your system ships with, it's recommended to use pyenv.
Pyenv allows you to install many versions of python on a single machine without messgin with the default one, used by the system.
In order to check your python version , use
python3 --version
Update your system first:
apt update
apt upgrade
Install pip if needed:
sudo apt install python3-pip
If pip complains about a new version, you can update it:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
Other goodies may be of use :
sudo apt install screen htop wget sqlite3
It's advised to use the releases rather than current git code.
Current github code may contain untested features and code.
Head over to the official Bismuth Github repo, releases:
Unless you need a specific version, pick the latest one. As for now, this is 4.2.6.
Copy the link of the "Source Code (tar.gz)" file. Mine is
Back to your Ubuntu box, fetch the file where you want it installed, like your home dir, and extract it:
tar -zxvf 4.2.6.tar.gz
It extracts itself under Bismuth-4.2.6
For a node only install, install the needed python modules:
pip3 install -r requirements-node.txt
You may want to edit your config, or just run the node with defaults, and let it sync. Here, I first run a screen, then run the node inside the screen
screen -S NODE
Then no matter what happens to the ssh connection, I can find my running node when I need to with a screen -x NODE
ctrl-a d
is used to (d)etach from a running screen.
Let your node sync. It will download the bootstrap ledger from the website, then go crazy fetching backlog of blocks. That's ok, give him some time.
The wallet does connect to a node.
In order to run your wallet you used to also need a running node.
Nowadays, it's not needed anymore. The light wallet can connect to an online node.
It will try to connect to your local node first, then try online servers. That is, you don't need anymore a node nor a complete chain sync to run and use your wallet.
Here are the python modules for the node again, from previous paragraph
pip3 install -r requirements-node.txt
And here are the extra modules currently needed for the wallet:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you want to run Bismuth-wallet on Ubuntu 18.04, you additionally need to install
sudo apt install python3-tk
If you want to test (should perform better, due to non blocking behaviour when wallet gets information form node or wallet-server), you need to add:
pip3 install tornado
On the node box, be sure to have enough files limits (replace root by the user the node will run under)
nano /etc/security/limits.conf
root soft nofile 65535
root hard nofile 65535
nano /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.file-max = 100000
then apply the settings
sysctl -p
make sure your time is network synced
Should say "Network time on: yes"
if network sync is not active,
timedatectl set-ntp on
Low latency won't do harm
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_low_latency
If your install complains about locales only:
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
See config.txt, edit "light_ip" with a list of ip:port to try to connect to. The defaults are safe.
TODO - dedicated page
(thanks to @cryptonoob42)
peer_ip = s.getpeername()[0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
remove python3-socks via apt, then upgrade pysocks via pip to version 1.6.8.
One way of fixing this (on Ubuntu) is to run
sudo apt install python3-pil.imagetk
or just update pillow from pip to version 5.1.0
pip3 install --upgrade pillow
Make sur you don't use PIL (outdated)
pip3 remove PIL
neither pyCrypto (outdated, replaced by pycryptodome)
pip3 remove PyCrypto