Device tree for TWRP(only) with proper BoardConfig and .fstab...
- Working Ubuntu/Debian system
- Installed required packages for building
- Java 7 SDK (apt-get install oracle-java7-set-default)
- Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro Kernel Source code (or already built zImage)
- CyanogenMod 12.1 Source code
- TWRP Source code
- Patience...
- Sync CyanogenMod source tree
- Sync TWRP source tree to [cm_tree]/bootable/recovery/
- Sync device kernel source to [cm_tree]/kernel/lenovo/msm8974/
- Copy contents of twrp_android_device_lenovo_kingdom_row/ to [cm_tree]/device/lenono/kingdom_row/
- Copy init.rc from [cm_tree]/device/lenovo/kingdom_row/recovery/ to [cm_tree]/bootable/recovery/etc/ (overwrite)
- Set busybox to built as static binary
- Add/Change these in busybox-full.config and busybox-minimal.config in [cm_tree]/external/busybox/
- Copy contents of gui/ to [cm_tree]/bootable/recovery/gui/ (overwrite)
- To make adb working properly, make sure you change these in default.prop
lunch cm_kingdom_row-userdebug
make clean && make -j<num_of_cores> recoveryimage