- filter blobs that are too close to each other
- remove strange regions from ROI!!!!
- implement test_dsb script
ssh -X -p 10001 ikorshun@localhost scp -P 10001 /mnt/sda3/data/kaggle-lung/stage1_sample_submission.csv ikorshun@localhost://mnt/storage/data/dsb3/ (32 mm) (3 mm)
min z: (u'', array([ 165.5, 254. , 254. ])) ])) max z: (u'', array([ 416., 370., 370.])) min yx: (u'', array([ 263.19999552, 236. , 236. ])) max yx: (u'', array([ 332.5 , 499.99975586, 499.99975586])) (u'', array([ 292.5 , 499.99975586, 499.99975586])) (u'', array([ 357.5 , 499.99975586, 499.99975586])) (u'', array([ 311.25 , 493.00018311, 493.00018311])) (u'', array([ 371.25 , 486.00012207, 486.00012207]))
LUNA, strange image border: 1- LUNA 0-
generate blobs: test_seg_scan.py
probabilities for blobs (fpred): test_fpred_scan.py
stats over segmentation blobs: evaluate_luna_seg_scan.py
stats over fpred: evaluate_luna_fpred_scan.py
generate blobs: test_seg_scan_dsb.py fpred: test_fpred_scan_dsb.py plot rois as in the final data iterator: plot_dsb_roi.py train classifier: train_class_dsb.py