Toxicity and profanity filter for Discord. This bot makes use of the Perspective API. Add exemptions to specific roles and channels and customise percentages per server to log, warn or delete messages.
This bot was made in 3 hours and should be considered unstable for production use. As the days go past I will attempt to improve it.
If you'd like to use the bot how it is, without customising it feel free to click here to invite it to your server.
It requires several permissions, the biggest being managing messages. You are free to remove any that you think are too dangerous. Note that the bot will not be able to function entirely if you do remove them.
- Install mongodb server community edition
- Clone repo
- Copy
and supply a Perspective API key, along with Discord Bot Token - Install node modules -
npm install
- Run typescript compiler -
- Start with node -
node ./dist/index.js
When the bot joins a server you'll need to set the log channel before anything can happen. All commands are case insensitive. Arguments to them are not.
All commands excluding !SetToxChannel must be executed from the log channel.
Sets the logging channel (and command channel) to use. Only an ADMINISTRATOR can execute this command. It may be executed from any channel. Use by mentioning a channel.
- Channel mention
User> !settoxchannel #event_log
Bot> Set the log channel to 123456789
Get a list of exempt channels that the bot will not inspect.
- None
User> !exemptchannels
Bot> Exempt Channels:
test1 - ID: 6934300518562
test2 - ID: 6934300518563
Add a list of exempt channels by mentioning channels.
- Channel mentions.
User> !addexemptchannels #test1 #test2 #test3
Bot> Successfully added 3 channel(s) to be exempted.
Remove a list of exempt channels by mentioning channels.
- Channel mentions.
User> !removeexemptchannels #test1 #test2 #test3
Bot> Successfully removed 3 channel(s) from being exempt.
Get a list of exempt roles. A user with an exempt role will be unfiltered.
- None
User> !exemptroles
Bot> Exempt Roles:
Unfiltered - ID: 6934300518562
RudePerson - ID: 6934300518563
Add a list of exempt roles by mentioning roles.
- Role mentions.
User> !addexemptroles @test @test2
Bot> Successfully added 3 roles(s) to be exempted.
Remove a list of exempt roles by mentioning roles.
- Role mentions.
User> !removeexemptroles @test @test2
Bot> Successfully removed 3 roles(s) from being exempt.
Show a summary of the config for the current server.
- None
User> !configsummary
Bot> Server Config Summary:
Warn in Channel Percentage: 85%
Delete Message Percentage: 90%
Log Percentage: 75%
Delete Message on Detect: false
DM User on Detect: false
Profanity Check: true
Toxicity Check: true
Exempt: 3 channel(s), 1 role(s)
Set the percentage for an action:
- Log - Logs a message to the tox log channel
- Warn - Alerts the user with a message in the message the channel was sent in
- Delete - The percentage at which a message will be deleted if delete message is on
Note that the bot will not warn if the delete percentage is reached, it will still log if the log percentage has been reached.
- Percentage, 0 to 100, decimals accepted.
User> !setlogpercentage 85
Bot> Successfully set the log percentage to 85%
Set whether the toxicity or profanity check will occur.
- true or yes will turn it on, anything else will disable the check.
User> !setprofanitycheck no thanks
Bot> Successfully set profanity check to false
Whether or not to delete the message if it exceeds the delete percentage. Deleting will log a message to the tox channel.
- true or yes will turn it on, anything else will disable the check.
User> !setdeletemessage true
Bot> Successfully set delete message to true
Whether or not to DM the user when the message has been deleted. Requires delete message to be triggered in order to send a DM.
- true or yes will turn it on, anything else will disable the check.
User> !setdmuser no
Bot> Successfully set DM user to false