This folder contains the scripts necessary to compile the decompiler into un.rpyc, a file which will automatically decompile a ren'py game once it's loaded by ren'py. To do this, simply run using python 2.7.
.rpyc files are gzip compressed pickle files. Using the pickleast module we can exploit this by creating a pickle which will run the decompiler when ren'py is loading all files, before any .rpy code normally even runs.
Note that for this to work the module
must be in pythons module search path. If it isn't, you can use the -m (--magic) switch to specify the
directory in which is located.
Via various ways of optimization this module manages to fit the whole decompiler in a file less than 16 kB in size! This is smaller than some of the unrpyc source files.
The -d (--debug) switch turns on debug results. In this case, three extra files will be produced.
un.dis contains pickle disassembly of the pickle itself. un.dis2 contains pickle disassembly of the gzipped string inside of un.dis un.dis3 contains a representation of the AST which is pickled to produce un.dis2
The -p (--protocol) switch controls which pickle protocol is used (very old ren'py games might not be able to unpickle files generated by protocol 2. Besides, protocol 1 seems to achieve superior compression results.)
The -r (--raw) switch turns off minimization of the included unrpyc modules.
Finally the -o (--obfuscate) switch enables extra minification features which don't change the filesize too much but obfuscate the included modules more.
For the best result, use
[python2] -d -o -p 1