This sample shows how to implement a custom raster builder that can attach to an existing raster type to create a custom raster type. The custom builder that is implemented is called the Thumbnail Builder, and it uses the datasets generated by the raster type to generate a small thumbnail for each dataset. The generated thumbnail is added to the Mosaic Dataset catalog as a binary large object (BLOB) that a client can read.
This sample application creates a mosaic dataset in the user-specified location and adds data to it using the user-specified data source and the Raster Dataset raster type. The application attaches the Thumbnail Builder to the raster type and can optionally save the custom raster type generated in a .art file, which can then be used multiple times.
Language: C#, VB
Subject: Raster
Organization: Esri,
Date: 10/17/2019
ArcObjects SDK: 10.8
Visual Studio: 2017, 2019
.NET Target Framework: 4.5
- ArcObjects .NET API Reference online
- Sample Data Download
- What's new
- Download the ArcObjects SDK for .Net from
- Start Visual Studio and open the solution file.
- Open the TestThumbnailBuilder project.
- Edit the strings in the Specify input directory and dataset name region to specify the parameters that control where to create the mosaic dataset, where to add data, and so on.
- Compile and run the program. If the program succeeds, the console shows a Success message. If an error occurs, it shows on the console window.
- Load the created mosaic dataset into ArcMap. The Attribute table will contain a field called Thumbnail, which can be used by a client to view the thumbnails generated by the Thumbnail Builder.
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
ArcGIS Desktop Standard | ArcGIS Desktop Standard |
ArcGIS Desktop Advanced | ArcGIS Desktop Advanced |
Engine Developer Kit | Engine |