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Example cases

Prime tutorial examples

More documentation and more effort is spent to make sure these cases work. Illustrates the general workflow and features of Neko.

  • turb_channel, collect statistics and analyze them for a low-Re turbulent channel flow
  • cylinder, Collect statistics with one homogenous direction and compute the lift and drag around a cylinder at $Re_D=200$. The time series can also be used to compute the Strouhal number.
  • TS_channel, subcritical transition due to interaction between two low-amplitude TS-waves.

Other examples

Examples that illustrate certain features and usages of Neko. May be less documented and up to date.

  • 2d_cylinder, Running Neko with a 2D mesh (creates a 1 element thick mesh)
  • advecting_cone, Test case to check for dissipation and other numerical aspects
  • hemi, One of the original cases from Nek5000.
  • immersed bunny, shows usage of Brinkman source term simulate an immersed boundary.
  • immersed_zones, Brinkman source term for immersed sonzes in a flow.
  • lid, A typical lid-driven cavity case.
  • poisson, shos how to use neko as a library and setup a simple Poisson solver.
  • rayleigh_benard, Rayleigh Benard convection (RBC) (temperature as additional scalar)
  • rayleigh_benard_cylinder, Cylindrical domain RBC
  • scalar_mms, method of manufactured solutions for the scalar verification
  • tgv, 3D Taylor-Green vortex with several different meshes.
  • turb_pipe, Turbulent pipe flow