Key Combination | Action |
Win + q | Quit focused |
Win + Return | Terminal(st) |
Win + ESC | Power menu |
Win + Shift + Return | Scratchpad (Terminal) [Press again to toggle] |
Win + w | $BROWSER(default ungoogled chromium) |
Win + r | File Browser (lf) |
Win + d | Execute Applications (rofi) |
Win + b | Toggle status bar (hide) |
Win + Shift + d | Execute Any Runnable (dmenu) |
Win + p | passmenu (pass password manager) |
Alt + p | stress test and monitor (s-tui) |
Win + F4 | pulsemixer (audio input) |
Win + F5 | set multiple monitors and choose refresh rate |
Win + F9 | mount drive |
Win + F10 | unmount drive |
Win + F11 | Camera |
Printscreen | Screenshot fullscreen |
Shift + Printscreen | Screenshot (choose area or screen) |
Win + ` | Choose emoji and copy |
Key Combination | Action |
Alt + Shift + j | Decrease font size (zoom -) |
Alt + Shift + k | Increase font size (zoom +) |
Alt + o | Copy output of command |
Alt + ; | Cycle fonts |
Key Combination | Action |
Alt + Tab | Choose window and focus |
Win + j | Focus next |
Win + Shift + j | Move focused to next |
Win + k | Focus previous |
Win + Shift + k | Move focused to previous |
Win + l | Resize master + |
Win + Shift<\kb> + h | Next Tag |
Win + h | Resize master - |
Win + Shift<\kb> + h | Previous Tag |
Win + s | Sticky window toggle (show window in all tags) |
Win + f | Fullscreen (toggle) |
Win + g | Toggle gaps |
Win + x | Decrease gaps |
Win + Shift + x | Increase gaps |
Win + Shift + g | Set default gaps |
Win + m | Increase master (just try it to understand) |
Win + Shift + m | Decrease master (just try it to understand) |
Win + Space | Set focused as master |
Win + Shift + Space | Toggle floating window |
Key Combination | Action |
Alt + 1 | Tiling (Default) |
Alt + 2 | Backstack |
Alt + 3 | Monocle (windows top of each) |
Alt + 4 | Deck layout |
Alt + 5 | Spiral |
Alt + 6 | Dwindle |
Alt + 7 | Centered master |
Alt + 8 | Centered floating master |
Alt + 9 | Floating (windows 10 style) |
Win + Right | Cycle layout next |
Win + Left | Cycle layout previous |
Key Combination | Action |
Win + 1 .. 9 | Go to tag number |
Win + WheelUp | Go to next tag |
Win + WheelDown | Go to previous tag |
Win + Shift + 1 .. 9 | Send focused window to tag number |
Key Combination | Action |
Sound Up | Increase sound |
Sound Down | Decrease sound |
Brightness Down | Decrease brightness |
Brightness Up | Increase brightness |
fn + TouchpadToggle | Toggle touchpad |
fn + Kbd Backlight Up | Increase keyboard backlight |
fn + Kbd Backlight Down | Decrease keyboard backlight |